Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => Fishing Reports => Members' Fishing Reports => Topic started by: devon42 on July 03, 2010, 02:01:23 PM

Title: Chilliwack River, July 3rd 2010
Post by: devon42 on July 03, 2010, 02:01:23 PM
went out today to try and do some fly fishing as iv never fly fished a river before, morning was nice with no wind and first cast i hooked into a fish. i cought about 6 fish with a wolly bugger then i switched to a tom thumb and first cast again i saw a fish break out of the water and go at my fly but i didnt hook it. seeing that fish come up and grab it was very exciting as that was the first time ive personly seen that. i fished for a bit longer catching 3 on the dry fly and missing a few more, very fun for a beginner at fly fishing like me. to bad they werent very big.but seems like they like to jump quit high when u hook them on a dry fly. i did manage to catch a decent pike minnow in the middle of all the small trout. saw a few people out, moslty all of them were bottom bouncing and keeping the small fish..... afternoon got windy so i packed it up for the day. no signs of reds yet and the water is very high
Title: Re: Chilliwack River, July 3rd 2010
Post by: nickredway on July 03, 2010, 07:16:33 PM
Congratulations on your first fly fish! I got mine up there on the 1st too; didn't realise it would be that addictive. Went up to the Cheakamus for a couple of hours today and got my first Dolly on black and purple crystal bugger. Am off up to Vedder tomorrow so will report back.
Title: Re: Chilliwack River, July 3rd 2010
Post by: jettabambino on July 03, 2010, 07:27:26 PM
i did this last year but was threatened that if i didnt leave the I woudnt find my truck... the guy said i was catching baby steelys..
Title: Re: Chilliwack River, July 3rd 2010
Post by: James on July 03, 2010, 09:49:22 PM
 :o :o ??? ... What a dumbass . that's all i will say to that , clearly that guy doesn't know his stuff . And to threaten you ! .

Great to hear you like the excitment of the dry fly . By far one of the most fun you can have fishing for trout .
Title: Re: Chilliwack River, July 3rd 2010
Post by: ~IvAn~ on July 03, 2010, 09:52:54 PM
i did this last year but was threatened that if i didnt leave the I woudnt find my truck... the guy said i was catching baby steelys..

There are really some true king beaks out there thinking they own the waters. What a moron...
Title: Re: Chilliwack River, July 3rd 2010
Post by: jettabambino on July 03, 2010, 10:47:59 PM
you meet people in all shapes sizes and brain capacity
Title: Re: Chilliwack River, July 3rd 2010
Post by: dennyman on July 04, 2010, 12:22:44 PM
Devon: congrats on your first fish on the fly. Too bad to hear about the other fellows past experience,  no need for such backwoods bully boys tactics.  This trout fishery is legal, some fishing shops are posting about it in their fishing reports, so for those who don't like it get over it. If you want it changed in the future,  write to Barry Penner, the Minister of Environment and make your views known.
Title: Re: Chilliwack River, July 3rd 2010
Post by: kingpin on July 04, 2010, 12:59:39 PM
i think they should stop retention of them....other than that have at it. they are fun on a light rod and are good practice for other rivers.
Title: Re: Chilliwack River, July 3rd 2010
Post by: clarki on July 04, 2010, 03:03:23 PM
It is a great little fishery and I completely support retention I took an 12 year old neighbour boy there on Friday who had been fishing only once before and never caught anything. He caught several fish and took home 3 to his parents. On Saturday I took a family of 4 who had done some fishing before, but not much. All of them caught fish and they took home 2 daily limits. Memorable times for all.

I did my part on the weekend to remove the hatchery vermin from the river! You can thank me later ;D
Title: Re: Chilliwack River, July 3rd 2010
Post by: jetboatjim on July 04, 2010, 04:06:30 PM
Dont they need to be 12 inches? and hatchery?
Title: Re: Chilliwack River, July 3rd 2010
Post by: clarki on July 04, 2010, 04:23:07 PM
Dont they need to be 12 inches? and hatchery?

Hatchery, yes.  12 inches, no. No minimum size, however 50 cm is the max.
Title: Re: Chilliwack River, July 3rd 2010
Post by: Rodney on July 04, 2010, 04:34:42 PM
Actually there is a minimum size of 12 inches for hatchery trout and char in streams. No minimum size applies to lakes.
Title: Re: Chilliwack River, July 3rd 2010
Post by: clarki on July 04, 2010, 05:49:59 PM
Actually there is a minimum size of 12 inches for hatchery trout and char in streams. No minimum size applies to lakes.

That is true Rodney, except for the Chwk/Vedder during a specific time frame for a specific species. The regs state that from July 1 to Apr 30 you are allowed to retain 4 hatchery trout of ay length, 50 cm or less. (my emphasis)
Title: Re: Chilliwack River, July 3rd 2010
Post by: Rodney on July 04, 2010, 06:05:32 PM
Oh ya, I noticed that now, sorry. Interesting, never noticed that before, probably because I don't usually fish it this time of the year. I guess the regulation is set out that way so potential juvenile hatchery steelhead that residualize are removed (what's the average release size of hatchery juvenile steelhead on the Chilliwack River? 8 to 10 inches? Buck, Dave or Bederko can probably answer this).
Title: Re: Chilliwack River, July 3rd 2010
Post by: Dave on July 04, 2010, 09:02:36 PM
Hi Rod
Most certainly Bederko, Buck and others can add more to this …
it’s my understanding the juvenile steelhead released in May from the Chilliwack River Hatchery were, for cost saving measures, app. 20 - 25% smaller than average so my guess is they would average closer to 6 -8 inches, maybe less.
Because all hatchery juveniles are released in the lower river, and because the lower mainstem river is so compromised regarding salmonid rearing habitat , I believe the fish that have not already left the system by now probably won't because they will either starve, or feed predators, people included. 
Until release strategies optimise juvenile to adult survivals, teaching kids to fish with these trout makes sense to me.

For proper management decisions, this ongoing discussion regarding hatchery steelhead residualization in the Chilliwack-Vedder really needs to be addressed.
Title: Re: Chilliwack River, July 3rd 2010
Post by: chris gadsden on July 05, 2010, 12:06:04 AM
Saw some caught today about 6 inches except one good sized one, sent that picture to Rodney to post if he wishes.
Title: Re: Chilliwack River, July 3rd 2010
Post by: devon42 on July 07, 2010, 10:15:05 PM
any new reports on how the waters doin?
Title: Re: Chilliwack River, July 3rd 2010
Post by: penn on July 08, 2010, 04:19:04 PM
any new reports on how the waters doin?
Went higher with the heat .But should be peaked out soon . Too high for good fishing , water blasting through most runs in the lower.
Title: Re: Chilliwack River, July 3rd 2010
Post by: Hooks_of_Fury on July 11, 2010, 10:20:41 AM
C'mon guys this is a great fishery for begginers.  It teaches people to fish not snag.  Besides there only "hatchery" steelhead which are produced with tax payer money. Your not saving any natural stocks by trying to protect these guys im sure there will be enough returns for the hatchery to puke out there next quoto.  If i would be putting my passion into protecting fish there are a lot more needing causes like natural  stocks.
Title: Re: Chilliwack River, July 3rd 2010
Post by: vancook on July 11, 2010, 01:34:14 PM
anyone taken a look at the river today? Was thinking of heading out tomorrow but I've heard it's still pretty high and fast
Title: Re: Chilliwack River, July 3rd 2010
Post by: Every Day on July 11, 2010, 07:28:49 PM
Came up more. Still pretty fast... vis about 4 ft