Haven't posted a report in a while and havent been to the Vedder in a while either.
Rolled out of bed at 5:30am, browsed the forums and then packed my gear into the car. Was on the road by quarter to 6. The drive was easy with not much traffic on the freeway. Arrived at the parking lot of the spot I wanted to fish and saw 3 trucks allready there. Quickly threw on my gear and began my trek down river to the spots I wanted to fish since I was last out. Saw 2 anglers in one run I wanted to fish so just decided to keep heading down river and find another open slot with nobody in it. Settled in under a tree and adjusted my float to the right depth of about 4 feet and slipped on a fresh Spring roe bag onto my hook.
Threw the first cast out there, nothing, casted a little farther next drift and nothing, 3rd cast however I go to reel in and my float is buried like the puck behind Alex Auld and fish on!!!!! Feels like a decent fish and is shooting back and forth making some small splashes. I quickly get it under control and slip it into my hands. Hmmm its 7:15 am it is a chrome bullet hatchery. Should I retain it or not? Grabbed it by its head and ripped its gills then tossed it up the bank was my decision.
Recorded on my license, broke down my rod and was ready to go home.
Got back to the city around 9am and stopped off at my work. Helped my boss Garry teach a fly casting course for a bit then called it a day.
Will be back out on Tuesday most likely as I continue to
Roll, Roll, Roll Right Along like the Canucks losing streak.