Attended an interesting meeting tonight at the University Colledge of the Fraser Valley. Tjhe guest speakers were Dr. Michael Church from the Geography Department University of British Columbia and Dr. Laura Rempel, Research Scientist, Northern Energy Research Development Arctic Research Division of FOC.
An interesting and timely topic with the gravel excavation and fish kill that went on recently.
I video taped the one hour presentation and will analyze it later.
I found the closing remarks of Dr. Church interesting when his theory is and it is only his theory. Not as much gravel is coming down the Fraser River watershed as some people think. He said that in the 19th century there was so much gold mining going along the banks of the river and so much gravel thrown into the river from the placer mining it has settled into the reaches around Chilliwack. Along with Highway and railway construction more disturbances along the terraces of the river occurred. He added as gravel moves fairly slowly this gravel is now reaching the Valley. If this is the case gravel recruitment may slow down and no gravel needs to be removed in the years ahead at the expense of fish habitat.
More info can be seen at