Thread closed, thank you.
FishFreak, again, I understand the difference in opinions between members, however steelieman and others should not be told what they can or cannot post by other forum participants. This website is not operated by DFO, as long as they are fishing within the regulations, they are welcome to participate in the discussion forum however they want. I am not going to tell a particular group of people who are employing a fishing method that I disagree with not to post their experiences or beliefs on the forum. Why? Because I am not perfect.
I have my own ethical standards, others have theirs. This website is a form of media, which follows a certain standard of journalism. It is not a group of people who share the same beliefs and have a mission to accomplish. We are not here to preach that "either join us, or be against us". The moderators operate this discussion forum so it is a friendly and informative environment where everyone can gain something out of it. If anyone has concerns regarding how it is being run, please feel free to email me at