With most of the work of yesterday's cleanup behind I was anxious to try and get my first adult coho of the season.
First stop was to drop off the 2 coffee vats from yesterday's cleanup at Tim Hortons. Being a bit cheap I poured some of the left over java in my coffee mug as I cleaned up the vats before returning them. I warmed it up in the microwave ignoring Tims ads that boasts, "always fresh and it has only minutes to live'. After swallowing the 24 hour old coffee I thought I had only minutes to live.
With the vats returned and finding the lineup too long to get a "real" coffee I was on my way to meet up with Gwyn at "The Maple Leaf Stealth Run". I arrived a bit late after even hustling along as fast as I could, along the Rotary Trail.
As I arrive Gwyn has not had one bite but fish after fish including some very nice coho were breaking water. I was armed today with smaller roe bags that I thought would do the trick. In the first 30 minutes I miss 2 takes and then after moving up into a faster part of the run I had two consecutive bites but the results were a discouraging 0 for 4. Too slow or the fish below were taking my offering way to light to hook them, not sure what was the matter.
With the sun now over the water and reflecting off the silver sided coho bodies still continuing to mock us I finally have a good take. I notice the float going down sideways, not straight down, not a good sign. Right away I have the feeling the fish below had sort of just run into my hook while swimming by.As well the way it was fighting meant most likely foul hooked.

Sure enough as I get the fairly fresh chum buck near shore I see the #1 gammy is embedded firmly under the chin. With disgust with my first foul hooked in a while I send the fish on its way. We try a few more casts before caving in and head upstream to meet George to return the BBQ from yesterday BC Rivers day back to the Fish and Game Club house.
As we pass the Boom Sticks we see a chinook on, a fairly bright one that a fellow angler sinks a gaff into for the happy person. 2 more are lying in the water teathered by ropes while another chinook is being cleaned, bright pink roe being extracted. Most of the people are long lining so I imagine how they were taken but maybe I should not talk as I snagged my only fish of the day, short floating with my 16 inch leader.
After returning the BBQ the 3 of us were off for breakfast at Cookies. Buckeye tells us we were were fishing the wrong area for the conditions saying " I will show you how it is done tomorrow" but I am not going to take you with me.

Okay we say but we will want to see proof of your catch and then you can take us the next day for it seems yours truly needs some help badly, please take me.