ssab nik: not to hijack this thread but it is too late with all of your bass ramblings. The first post I noticed with your name attached to it had something about "bucket brigade" in the title and you rambling on about people hating on bass etc. bass throughout the province is a huge problem and I have heard that is is even being done in the cariboo region within important sockeye watersheds. The stocking of super predators into our world class salmonid waters is a crime that deserves no forgiveness.
I am amazed that you throw the "bucket brigade" comment around casually and have not been banned from this forum. I hope you and the rest of your brigade get what is coming to you by the law or by any other means.
Oh and the bass in Sturgeon Slough that you are all worried about if I fish it I will take my legal limit home every time! I do not think you and your bass will be getting too much sympathy here too many of us work too hard as stream stewards to laugh about anything to do with buckets or brigades.
I am sure this is all one big troll and I am the only one falling for it hook, line and sinker but I just can't handle talk of such things