I am taking a buddy out on Saturday. He is a novice fisherman and has some physical disabilities (has a bit of a hard time walking over uneven ground). I was planning to take him to the Vedder a couple of weeks ago because I was pretty sure he would get a chinook, but if all else failed he would at least get into a few dogs. Plans fell through and now we are heading out this Saturday. I checked out the lower Vedder yesterday (Peach, Lickman, and downstream quite a ways), and it was really slow. There may be some spots further up that he can get into (Tamahi, or the upper limit pool), but am starting to think of other rivers. Squamish might be possible in some spots, and although I have never fished the Stave the reports seem interesting. He will likely use my spinning gear, but if he can get the technique for using the bait caster I will lend that gear to him, and I will fish the center pin or fly. Maybe the Chilliwack might be best.