Well its been a while since I have posted. Thought I would fill you in a report seing It was my first fishing trip in over 8 months due to hockey and school. On my way back from Troy Newyork going home for the summer stopped at one of my teamates cabin on "lake of the woods" In south west ontario for a few days of fishing.
Started out targeting pike in a small bay and had lots of success. After 3 hours of fishing we hooked into plenty of pike and landed over 10. We then switched locations and tried for some spring walleye. Had a hard time getting some however towards the end of the day I was rewarded with a nice 20incher. After landing a few smaller ones I had a rather large hit. Set the hook and right away I knew this was no walleye. After a long 10-15minute fight a nice 34inch lake trout was brought to hand. Decided to call it a day and head in for some brewskies.
Once again started out targeting pike in the same spot as before and had lots of success. Most were between 4-8lbs. After a few hours decided to go try for walleye in a different location. Fishing was very hot here and couldnt keep the walleye off. Landed close to twenty walleye throughout the day then called'er quites.
Here are a few pictures