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Author Topic: Pollution in the Chilliwack River  (Read 9130 times)


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Re: Pollution in the Chilliwack River
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2007, 10:50:35 PM »

Day 10 since we first detected something wrong......

The DFO Officer feels that this was sewage and that the RAIN will wash this SLUDGE away! He feels that the water will raise in oxygen with all the rain fall. Please read the CHWK Progress and the Vancouver Province on page 10. There is a writer that is writing a story for the TIMES. It did not make print today. As for the cleanup there has been nothing other that a little samples that were taken.

I still feel that if the CO was in that ditch on wed he would have had 50 men in that ditch cleaning it up! It was a disaster that washed down stream for 7 days before any CO say this problem. The CO that saw the ditch on Tue this week was very allarmed. I still think that he is only dealing with what he has seen first hand and has never seen my pictures.He may never know the real amount of damage unless i send him the pictures that the city had said that all was OK!!!! What an understatement.

The city has stated in the paper that they felt that it was not a seepage because there was no FLOATABLES!!!  If you have seen my pictures then one would that there was a 1\2 ton pickup load of pudding floating on the surface of the culvert. The ribs on the side of the culvert trapped this GOO.

Keep your lines in the water and out of the GOO.

brood dude

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Re: Pollution in the Chilliwack River
« Reply #16 on: October 20, 2007, 08:26:56 AM »

this is a sad state of affairs. :(

unfortunately it does not come as a big surprise to me ,how the powers that be reacted to this mess.i really hope that none of the locals are affected by this mess.

it really makes me wonder how we got to where we are? how can people think its OK to put all of our poop into the drink treated or not. at one time false creek was the city dump! where there was an untold amount of toxic substances dumped right into the ocean.

it is things like this that really make me wonder just how long it will take before we are all dead from making really bad decisions? :-\
girls suck throw rocks at them!


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Re: Pollution in the Chilliwack River
« Reply #17 on: October 22, 2007, 08:42:57 PM »

Day 13

Still no answers.

But i have a handful of DFO and Environment Canada people that agree that this is not a Agricultural odor! Everyone is waiting for the test results. All bets have been placed on Human Waste.

All i can do is wait for test results and watch the rain wash away the last of the sludge!

This will soon be an old issue and we will forget what someone has dumped into our waters.

Till i know better. Keep your lines wet and i will be dreaming of FISHING. I'm having my 3rd child on Wed. so i will have to put the lines away till spring.



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Re: Pollution in the Chilliwack River
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2007, 11:35:32 PM »

 ??? ???18 Days since we first detected the POLLUTANT in the river? ??? ???

Still no answers!! Still have been advised not to drink water till we have answers from the ditch testing!!!! Still no answers!!

The rain has cleaned the sludge water down stream and into the Fraser now! There was no effort to clean up the mess at all.
Environment Canada has taken samples of the ditch and our well water. The lab called on Last Tue and told me that there was less that 1 colony of coliform in our drinking water per 100 ml. I asked him if I could drink my water now? He said that he could not say! If there was a chemical in the river then it could be in my water. They only tested for Fecal Coliform and not for things like arsonick or lead and who knows what is in high levels of Cow manure?
So I know the damage has been done. But now what???

The fact that the City will not put out a boil water advisory in the Lower Chilliwack River area for people on wells is crazy!!!!!!!! The CO said that boiling water only works for Biological and not Chemical pollutants.The City would not want to advise a boil water advisory if it was a chemical in the water. SO LETS WAIT FOR TEST SAMPLES !!!! I feel like im taking CARZY PILLS again.
 So does someone have an answer to my Question??? What was it in the DITCH?
1st. If it was Chemical this should have been cleaned up and now it has what effect on everything??? If it is Chemical why do we not know 9 days after the test sample was taken???
2nd. Was it Human Waste and there was a septic truck that dumped out a load. Why after 9 days do we knot have any sample results? The city has stated to a reporter that it might take months and even years till this is public knowledge. This will not do for me! :( >:( >:(

I have contacted the Fraser Heath and they are going to advise me on the next steps to testing my well. I will have to do my own water testing and while I'm at it, maybe i could get my ditch samples tested at the same time.

This was printed in the last Fri. Progress by the Editor.
I think that this is getting a little closer to what I want to see in the paper.

I will keep you all up to date.
P.S. I had a Baby GIRL on Wed. Another <"((((<ing buddy!

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Re: Pollution in the Chilliwack River
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2007, 11:44:43 PM »

Congratulations on your girl :)