Geezus, a 6501 (without backing) must hold 500 yards of 10lb flouro!!! Ya, I would say that 10lb main is pretty light for float fishing the vedder. 12-15 lb maxima is probably what a majority of guys are using.
In terms of terminal tackle, don't worry about that so much as active fish will take most presentations. I fished a big dime sized corky with a 1/0 red gami and a roe bag. picked up a fish in dirty pocket water with that, drove up river and got one in a gin clear pool on the exact same thing. Did that twice last year.
Some times fishers over think things and make things too complicated. If your a beginner, experimenting can lead to a lot of missed opportunities, stick with a few key producers and focus on reading the river and learning the runs...once you get more experienced, then start mixin it up a little more.
for a novice, pink worms probably are the best bait I can think of. If you have salmon fished before and you have some good cured roe then of coarse thats another great option, otherwise some store bought roe sacks are good. One great thing about bags and worms VS chunked roe is that you don't have to worry about you bait comming off all the time, makes for more efficient fishing.