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Author Topic: Best Fish Story  (Read 4187 times)


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Best Fish Story
« on: April 23, 2008, 09:31:58 AM »

This should be fun! I'll get the ball rolling....
I was fishing a small ake in the Harrison area, dragging a gomphus behind my float tube when I got a pretty serious hit,I played it for a while and was through the roof happy to see an honest 3 pounder on the end of my line . I yelled over to my buddy that I had the size prize, not the numbers. I kept hearing a weird sound, sort of like a train, but not quite. In my excitement, I dismissed it as a logging crew or something else. The fight was gone from the fish so I started to unvelcro my net. The fish was at best 12 feet away from my grinning fool impersonation.The sound of the "train" was getting louder. The source became evident as an eagle came down right over my head , grabbed the fish in it's talons and calmly flapped away with my prize. I'm sure I heard that bird laughing at me as I watched my trophy fly away. The thought of the sheer wingspan still puts a Hersey Kiss on my BVD's.

And yes, I have a witness.


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Re: Best Fish Story
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2008, 11:17:25 AM »

Cool ! The same thing happened to me at Rolley last year. The fish wasn't 3 lbs but once the fish I caught was released, it went belly up for a second then an eagle came out of nowhere and tried to snatch it off the surface missing it the first time. This was like 3 feet from my belly boat. It did another swoop and finally got the fish on the second try but man was it cool to have a eagle swoop in so close like that. He came in full speed and put on the brakes like a harrier jet at the last second, massive talons gripping the catch.

Nice one !!   Grace Lake ? Wolfe ?
"The swing is the thing but the tug is the drug" - Unknown


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Re: Best Fish Story
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2008, 12:16:59 PM »

I caught a BAT while casting at dusk. 


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Re: Best Fish Story
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2008, 06:01:04 PM »

As kids we used to swing a fly with a long leader under the street lights in the summer and caught lots of bats. Those little buggers don't like to be pulled out of the sky. You can hear them clicking when the radar is operational...................
Have you guys ever hooked a CEDAR SHINGLE, every time you left and pull, it catches some current and off it goes taking line. When it lays a bit sideways you can get line on it. Great fight ....................


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Re: Best Fish Story
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2008, 08:33:39 AM »

Cool ! The same thing happened to me at Rolley last year. The fish wasn't 3 lbs but once the fish I caught was released, it went belly up for a second then an eagle came out of nowhere and tried to snatch it off the surface missing it the first time. This was like 3 feet from my belly boat. It did another swoop and finally got the fish on the second try but man was it cool to have a eagle swoop in so close like that. He came in full speed and put on the brakes like a harrier jet at the last second, massive talons gripping the catch.

Nice one !!   Grace Lake ? Wolfe ?

Morris Lake when it was accessible. Unfortunately, do to yahoos and sillies, Morris is now nearly impossible to get to now. A crying shame , as this was one of the best lakes to fish year round.

Round 2

I was flinging a fly at the Skagit just around dusk when I saw a tiddler leap out for my Adams. I was pulling my line in nonchalantly when it came to a screeching halt and started to yank back. Hard. The light was failing fast, so I waded out a bit to see what was going on. I looked and could have sworn I had hooked a big gar. My brain was working overtime trying to figure out how a gar got introduced to the system. My buddy came over and was amazed as I was at the size and shape of the fish on the end of my straining leader. I wrenched it in as close as I could to shore, determined that no gar was going to live in this pristine stream, no matter what the regs said. My partner had waded out just a bit to see if he could grab (stupid move as a gar's teeth are RAZOR sharp) the fish and sling it up on shore. He reached down , plucked it up , and the fish flapped mightily to escape his hands. As it turns out, it was a big Dolly from Ross Lake feeding on the trout in the river. It had half of my trout in it's mouth, hence the gar shape. My tiddler was still alive and I'm sure very happy to escape death twice in one night and no doubt a much wiser fish. As I understand it, this is not uncommon on the Skagit, but it sure was fun!
« Last Edit: April 24, 2008, 08:37:25 AM by Novabonker »


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Re: Best Fish Story
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2008, 10:19:31 AM »

A pal of mine hooked a Rainbow on the point fly, then a Perch [Redfin] on the middle dropper and finally as he tried to net one of the fish a Swallow took the top dropper.
A full house!!
Only the Rainbow wasn't released.



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Re: Best Fish Story
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2008, 08:29:46 AM »

  Me and my son were  fishing last May long weekend. While floating around the lake we heard a shriek. A lady in a boat beside us had about a 3 lb rainbow flying around the boat (gang troll and all)  :o. We almost tipped over we were laughing so hard. Now we know why they call it  OSPREY lake  ;D.

 We've also had a few close calls at Mc Conell lake with the loons. Christian was around three at the time .It was cold and rainy but he and Uncle Kevin were troupers.The sun finally came out after a few hours of trolling and BANG the bite was on. While Christian was reeling one in my bro starts hitting the water with the net .I'm steering, wondering what the #$^$ going on. So I look over the side of the boat and it looked like we were being attacked by penguins. :o Man can those things swim !!!!!

   Man I could go on and on and on..........



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Re: Best Fish Story
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2008, 07:48:45 PM »

Great stories, here's another one...
I was fishing at the mouth of the seymour and was playing a nice coho. I was just about to reach down into the river to grab him and a seal came out of nowhere with his mouth wide open ready to take my coho on the end of my line. After scaring the $%^& out of me ( I did'nt know cute little seals could look so fierce when they are 2 feet away from you showing all their teeth) I somehow instinctively jerked my rod up quite hard with the coho still on. Well, the seal swam away and I landed my fish


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Re: Best Fish Story
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2008, 07:49:43 AM »

  Me and my son were  fishing last May long weekend. While floating around the lake we heard a shriek. A lady in a boat beside us had about a 3 lb rainbow flying around the boat (gang troll and all)  :o. We almost tipped over we were laughing so hard. Now we know why they call it  OSPREY lake  ;D.

 We've also had a few close calls at Mc Conell lake with the loons. Christian was around three at the time .It was cold and rainy but he and Uncle Kevin were troupers.The sun finally came out after a few hours of trolling and BANG the bite was on. While Christian was reeling one in my bro starts hitting the water with the net .I'm steering, wondering what the #$^$ going on. So I look over the side of the boat and it looked like we were being attacked by penguins. :o Man can those things swim !!!!!

   Man I could go on and on and on..........


LOL! It's quite "invigorating" to see a fully stretched loon under a belly boat. I had to give one a gentle tap with my rod once when he was convinced that the fish I had landed in my belly boat was one he'd misplaced....


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Re: Best Fish Story
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2008, 12:47:24 PM »

I was at Cates park dock once crabbing and just casting a spinning rod with some bait to pass the time when during one of my casts a seagull flew right into the path of my line.  It pretty much dropped from the sky into the water and I didn't realize what happened until I started reeling in and through I hooked onto a monster fish!  Of course I soon realized it wasn't a fish at all since very time I tugged on the line the seagull in the distance would start screaming and moving it's wings.  I slowly reeled it in and found out the line actually wrapped around it's left wing once and had the hook embedded into it's meat on it's wings.  The guy was pretty feisty so we had to take a towel we had and cover it's head before trying to take the hook out.  Finally got it out and away it went.

Of course the entire time there was an angry mob of other seagulls hovering over us dropping poop bombs all over the place.  Luckily none of them hit us, but it was kinda gross seeing bird poop landing everywhere.