It never fails to amaze me how lazy the loons are my lake! You'd think they could get their own fish. As hard as I try to release the fish without them swimming them down and catching them they still get 4-5 a day. They plague me to the point of total frustration!
I'll say one thing about loons....they are one tough bird. I've hit them with my oar as they've submarined past me under the boat, beaned them with a sling shot, reeled them into the boat 7 times in the last 2 years and it doesn't seem to phase them.....ahhhh! I hate them with a passion!
Don't get me wrong....I absolutely love wildlife but these buggers have ruined my fishing soooo many times.! They are very much like seals. You get into a number of fish...they show up and buzz the area and scare all the fish away! It's the fact that these loons have young ones that they need extra food for and it always seems that the pair on our lake always gives birth to two offsprings. I was so tempted this year to switch out their eggs with hard boiled hen eggs in hopes that they would leave it too late to lay another pair of them.
Another lake I fish frequently only has one loon on it and he (or she) does not pester me at all. Thank God they'll be gone in another few weeks!