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Author Topic: WSA: Grescoe article - NY Times  (Read 1586 times)

Little Hawk

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WSA: Grescoe article - NY Times
« on: June 10, 2008, 08:09:58 AM »


Taras Grescoe has just published a great article - unless you're a fishfarmer - in the NY Times:

You can order his excellent book - "Bottomfeeder: How to Eat Ethically in a World of Vanishing Seafood" (released on 29th April)- via:

Any of you still on the fence on the net-pen issue? I highly recommend reading his work.

Any of you interested in reading a synopsis of the Grescoe book, email me - - and I'll forward you the excellent and informative email I received from Don Staniford (WSA: Committee) of the Pure Salmon organization.


In closing, please read this cautionary note to my fellow sportfishermen and the Moderator's of this forum: (this is only a suggestion; take it or leave it.)

As many of you are well aware, the net-pen fishfarmers have infiltrated this website - and most other's - and they will stop at nothing to sustain their campaign of lies and mis-information in order to plant and maintain that 'shadow-of-a-doubt and confusion' in the public eye. It's what they do in order to survive. This, and the government officials & beaureucrat's they've paid off, is their last purchase on our Coast. But things are heating-up and they know it, and it's making them anxious. More and more of them are jumping in on the increasing number of forum threads posted in opposition to the industry, and they're aslo doing things like taking out full-page ads in newspapers to try to swing back the growing tide of public-opinion that is slowly - but surely - turning against them.

I'm asking each and every one of you - my fellow Sportfisherman - to do as I have done, and refrain from entering into the 'trap' of debating this topic with them as it merely provides yet another convienient platform for them to spread their poison. If we ignore them, eventually they'll go away. If all of you joined the opposition to the net-pen business - eventually we'll PUT THEM AWAY!

As a sportfisherman and one who has learned about and recognizes the terrible issues with this business - I find it both disgusting and repulsive that these people are permitted to post here at all. To me it is (metaphorically speaking) akin to allowing - pedophile's in a playground, or pyromaniac's in a forest.

If any of you feel as I do, please join me in requesting that these individuals are banned from spreading their filth amongst us. They are incurring enough wealth (beyond your wildest dreams) at the continuous expense of BC's environment, that they can buy all the PR they need elswhere, without compromising this important (conservation-oriented) Sportfisherman's communication platform.

Just my 2-bits.

Standing for Wild Salmon,
Terry Anderson

Wild Salmon Alliance