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Author Topic: Greg Clark Memorial Fishing Derby (Cultus Lake)  (Read 5370 times)

Every Day

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Greg Clark Memorial Fishing Derby (Cultus Lake)
« on: June 14, 2008, 09:01:36 PM »

Today was a great day out on the water. Chris picked me up at 8 and I was out on the water by 8:30 (Thank you very much Chris). Well after being out for about 20 mins and getting my rowing skills down pat I started hooking into the fish. I found one spot and first cast I lost one at the side of the boat, in 5 casts I landed 4 fish and lost the one at the side  ;) (maybe the Leaf craft is lucky after all  ;D). I soon found out that the fish (pikeminnows) fight prety decent on a light trout rod, so I was pleasantly surprised but was also extremely frustrated with how many of them spat the hook back at me, and just with the ones that I couldn't set the hook into  >:(.I got called in at around 10 by Chris so that his brother, and his brother's grandson could come out in the boat with me. Bites were on and off all day, with 15 landed for me and 7 for Owen who came out with Chris' brother. After a quick lesson on casting, we were all doing quite well and enjoying ourselves. Along with the minnows we saw 2 rainbows landed and heard of a few Cutties and Dollies, which was nice to see. Best fishing method of the day was casting out with just weight and a worm and reeling in at a constant slow speed. People who were trolling spoons and worms were also doing very well.
We got in at 1:50 ish and stood in line for a while. Prize announcements were delayed until almost 3:30 because of the outstanding number of people who showed up today and almost went till 5:30. There were tons of fish to go around, and I believe the most fish caught were by 3 guys in 1 boat who got 172 pikeminnows. There were a lot of prizes but still not quite enough to go around. It was a great day and thank you to all the people helping out, and for all the people that showed up today to support the derby. Also a special thanks to all the donors (who provided the prizes) and volunteers who helped out with prizes and weigh-ins. I Stayed around at the end to help clean up and got to meet a few new people off the forum (it was nice to meet you guys!) I do not have any pictures right now but Chris said he would email me some later when he wakes up from his nap  ;D ;D  Once again thank you to everyone that came out to make this event a huge success and hopefully everyone had as much fun as I did.


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Re: Greg Clark Memorial Fishing Derby (Cultus Lake)
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2008, 09:08:13 PM »

Photos of the derby can now be seen at:

chris gadsden

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Re: Greg Clark Memorial Fishing Derby (Cultus Lake)
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2008, 12:14:01 AM »

Thanks Every Day for your report and for your help today, it certainly was a fun but tiring day. I just got up from nearly 4 hours of a longer nap than I should have had. Talk about fishing jet lag. I will give a recap with results.

Friday was a busy day getting some loose ends tied up for the derby and also this gravel file on Spring bar is taking up a lot of time as letters are pouring in from so many media and other outlets regarding the petition letter sent to the Auditor General, enough to write a book on one day.

Anyway I finally had Leaf Craft #2 loaded and was on my way to Cultus Lake as I had decided I would  stay there overnight as Dave and Victoria, good friends of Greg Clark would also be guarding some of the concession supplies and other things that had been set up that afternoon, in preparation for the derby the following day.

When I arrive I find the gate locked so I could not access the derby headquarters. I search out the lake patrol to get them to let me in which they did.

I arrive at the site to see Nick, Frank and the crew have all the tents and other preparation ready for the derby, that is less than 12 hours away.

I visit with Dave and Victoria who as I have said were great friends of Greg, who was take way too early in life from us, a couple of months ago. Greg was the main organizer of the pikeminnow derby last year and had been involved in past derbies as well. This is why everyone involved wanted to make it as special as possible, in his memory. Our eyes mist as we talk about the good times with Greg and Dave relates of many fine fishing trips and other activities over the years with his dear friend, 'My buddy', Dave calls him

Also Greg's family had brought a beautiful perpetual trophy along with a keeper for the angler 15 and under with the largest pikeminnow. Besides some family members have flown in from Alberta for this special event.

As I sort of get organized for the day ahead, people including the Cultus Lake patrol drop by for a chat. Dave and his wife, who are staying in their camper ask where I am sleeping. I say,"in the Leaf Mobile Hotel", they shake their heads but say nothing. I know they are thinking how can one sleep in that. I know it is strange but having done it on many fishing trips its nothing new.

I have also found out the gates are to be locked overnight so I phone Every Day and say I will have to pick you up a little later than I had planned, after the gates open.

Its a beautiful evening as darkness creeps over the lake, the moon is out as I slip into the reclining seat of the Leaf Mobile. I listen to CKWX to see if they play the interview I did with them about the derby, its not on. Most likely did a poor job with my excuse being, too tired.

It is near 11 now and in the shadows I see a tall figure creeping along the shore line, it a fisher, a Great Blue Heron who is looking for a bed night snack in the reflection of the moon and the few night lights along the lake.

I have trouble falling asleep, is it the thought of the day ahead or the day behind dealing with this gravel file on Spring Bar? It gets so political and so much is happening behind the scenes as we try to make sure government does more than they have, in our opinion, to protect our fish stocks and their habitat.

Finally sleep comes, its short lived as I awake to a crash and a bang, I check my watch, 2:30 am, I have had maybe 2 hours of sleep.

I look in the direction where the concession supplies are, under a tarp, I see a dark shadow, it looks large, maybe a bear looking for a easy meal. Boy, Ev will be mad if when she arrives in the morning to do the breakfast if a bear has gotten into the supplies. I search for my flashlight, then roll the window down and shine the beam in the direction of the noise, looking for the reflection of some beady eyes, I see none.

Suddenly I see something black, a sigh of relief, only a black dog. I hiss at it, it darts away. Dave and Victoria's camper is dark as they have appeared not to have heard it, heavy sleepers I guess.

I find my shoes and go to check on the damage, if there is any. I see what caused the noise, the dog has pushed over a garbage container. By this time I am wide awake, I will never get back to sleep. I wander about thinking what I should do, 2 hours to daylight. Suddenly more movement, from under the tarp, it skips away, is it a cat, no its too big, I follow at a safe distance for a bit, it a coon, "you varmint you" I mutter under my breath, part of disturbing my much needed sleep. I give chase, saying something original, like, "out of here". It heads for a nearby cedar tree and the last I hear of it is its claws ripping into the cedar bark as it climbs into the lofty confines of the tree.

Back in a bit with part 2 and with the derby results.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2008, 02:23:42 PM by chris gadsden »

chris gadsden

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Re: Greg Clark Memorial Fishing Derby (Cultus Lake)
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2008, 01:52:41 AM »

Part 2.

I know I will never sleep so I get a few tables stocked for the start of the event, put a coffee pot on as I know I will need lots of that to make it through the day in some sort of order.

I also am going to fish for a hour or so before I have to help put out prizes with Nick and then go back to Sardis to get Every Day.
I unload the Leaf Craft and put in the fishing poles trying to not make too much to distrube Dave and Victoria.

The boat land with a bit of thud as I flip it out of the box of the truck. I see the curtains in the camper swing open. How come they did not hear the garbage can get knocked off earlier I wonder. ;D ;D They are closed again more shuteye, lucky guys.

I push the Leaf Craft away from the shore, its flat calm, no one in sight. Of course who would be as stupid as me going out for a pikeminnow at such a hour.

The oars, old one that my dad had for most likely 50 years easily dip into the water propelling dad's equally as old boat 9 foot boat easily towards the fishing spot I had chosen, not far from shore. I think of the hundred's of chinooks my dad landed in this little craft over many many years of mooching in Chemainus harbor and elsewhere. These winter Chinooks are no longer there, just like my dad that passed away coming up 4 years ago. I know in my heart where my dad went like where Greg is who we remember today but where did those fish go. Was it the fish that my dad put in this little blue water craft, commercial fishing, overharvest herring, habitat destruction, mismanagement by government agencies or is it global warming some government people want to blame it on. Its probably a bit of all these scenarios I guess but we most do what we can control, to reverse that trend. FOC and MOE must take a more proactive approach in my mind, volunteers can only do so much.

Back to fishing. I know why I am out here now, there's dead silence, the air is sweet to my nostrils, swallows dimply the water looking for hatching insects to feed their young back in some nest along the shore. Its been tough on the bird life its been so cold. I have been told some have not nested yet. Global warming? The odd fish also is feeding dimpling the water, cuts, rainbows or pikeminnows? A small school of fry races along the surface with some larger fish in hot pursuit. O there is so much more to be out fishing than just fishing.
I bait up my hook with a bit of a wiener as bait and in no time I miss a few and then the rod bends and I have one, small but I have a fish to enter,there should be a prize for the first fish in. ;D

I see a few boats starting to appear one is buck from this forum in it, along with his son and a friend. In no time they are into them one after another. It is time for me to go and get to work, I row by them on the way to shore for a chat. I also throw my line back out as we talk. Suddenly I have another one on it feels good. I get it to the boat its maybe 1 and a half pounds I flip it into the boat but do it too hard and it clears the boat to the other side and falls off. The early derby leader is gone, what a beak, no too tired.

The other volunteers are arriving I help get things ready and then go and pickup Every Day and bring him back setting him up in the Leaf Craft and off he goes. I have a radio and we keep in contact and in no time is into fish.

People are arriving we sell more tickets, get the prizes ready, so many,great donactors. Dean from Great River Fishing Adventures arrives, he has 6 boats working free of charge to take people and families out, what a nice touch.

I see it is late once again and I am making to many spelling mistakes, more of The Journal tomorrow or I guess it is today, I thing I will sleep well tonight, in a proper bed for a change. By the way Happy Fathers Day to all dad's, love you too dad and your great grandson likes the old blue boat too, more on that, in part 3.

chris gadsden

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Re: Greg Clark Memorial Fishing Derby (Cultus Lake)
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2008, 07:58:52 AM »

Part 3

The crowd continues to grow, the guide boats are busy. Gerry, a new FVSS director, is doing a great job coordinating that with Dean's guides. Smiling families are excited about riding in a jet boat and doing some fishing. The cooks, Ev and Frank and others, are busy making breakfast.

Jim and Don are helping anglers on the dock, providing worms, tackle and even lending out rods. Nick and Murdena are setting up the prizes. George is busy selling tickets. The RAPP display truck pulls in with a Conservation Officer not far behind. FOC shows up with their patrol boat and 2 officers. They have lots of handouts at their displays. A casting into a ring game is in progress for the kids as Keith, a friend of Greg's, is handling that with prizes for everyone. Don comes with the CVRCC sign, and the Power Squadron and the boat safety course people are setting up.

There is face painting and I am one of their first customers as on goes the Maple Leaf logo. ;D ;D

Jenna the Chilliwack Progress photo journalist heads over to the guide boats to get a picture out on the water.

My brother in law Tony arrives with his grandson Owen, so I radio Every Day to come in to pick them up. Every Day weighs in his 5 or 6 fish. He says I "found the hot spot just before I came in."

After he checks in his fish with the Fergusons and Don Armstrong at the scales, he piles in with Tony and Owen and out they go to Every Day's hotspot.

They return a couple of hours later for lunch and weigh in some more fish. Owen is happy with his catch. After lunch they head back out for more action.

Greg's family arrives with the Trophy. It looks great with Greg's picture on it, a great tribute to a fine man.

Cathy is turning out the candy floss and is covered in it too, check out the picture Rodney has posted. ;D ;D She will look good at the wedding she and Buckeye have to attend later. ;D ;D ;D

The time goes quickly now and the derby deadline comes as anglers line up with buckets of pike minnows and some with suckers. They did not know the difference I guess.

Buck is in the line with the 171 pike minnows the 3 of them landed. A record catch, good work boys.

It takes a bit of time to get it right, but when the fish are all tabulated the winners are announced and the prizes given out.

Cody Heaps has the biggest pikeminnow in the junior class and is presented with the Greg Clark memorial trophy by the Clark Family.

The pike minnow hits the scales at 1.322 Kg.

Alexis Brown is next with a fish weighting .970 and Sarah Mante is third at .900 kg.

In the next category the junior winner, Heaps beat out the top seniors fish that was 1.074 kg, this pikeminnow was caught by Corey Britton. Second was Todd Neidlebrecht with a .862 fish and third Cole Rogozinsky catching one at .730.

The bikes were won by Michaila McLay in the girls class and Quentin Thrane in the boys division. These were hidden weights. McLay's fish was only .030 off and Thrane's .005 away.

The final major prizes were for the total weight.The junior winners were Matt Fisher with 5.702, Spencer Brown with 3.774 and Koltin Parrish, 3.462kg.

The seniors saw Devon Ganss, 6.072 kg knock off perennial winner Wayne Helmer, 5.600 kg with Mark Ferguson taking third at 2.632.

The final draws were then held for many nice prizes with the Clark family giving away two of Greg's rods with some tackle to a lucky girl and boy.

The prize draws took too long but that was because there was so many prizes. The executive will have to look at speeding that up for next year. Buckeye should have more pictures to post later when his time pemits.

*EDIT* Check out my l33t pictur posting skilz... :-)

Final totals are not in but Nick said we had around 600 entries and maybe about that many pike minnows weighed in but this is only an approximate numbers. FOC will provide the final numbers on the fish taken later. As well 10 0r 12 tagged fish were caught,according to Nick, so later we will try to get some information on growth rate etc. as well from the Cultus Lake Lab..

But once again it was a great day, a great day for families to fish together and remember our dear friend Greg, remember him today as we get together to celebrate Father's Day.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2008, 10:50:18 PM by chris gadsden »


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Re: Greg Clark Memorial Fishing Derby (Cultus Lake)
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2008, 12:55:49 PM »

Sounded like a bigger and better event this year, maybe that was do to with the good weather this year. Good write up Chris, and Chris Jounior.  :)
The Bigger The Better!


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Re: Greg Clark Memorial Fishing Derby (Cultus Lake)
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2008, 02:23:49 PM »

Sorry Chris, I had to get the rabbit ears in there as you were the only one sporting the leafs hat and face paint...............


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Re: Greg Clark Memorial Fishing Derby (Cultus Lake)
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2008, 05:15:43 PM »

Sounds like lots of fun, and a nice size pike minnow! Only if I could drive. >:(

chris gadsden

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Re: Greg Clark Memorial Fishing Derby (Cultus Lake)
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2008, 10:22:36 PM »

Sounds like lots of fun, and a nice size pike minnow! Only if I could drive. >:(
Time goes by quickly it will not be long, it just seems like yesterday when I was in the same situation. That was close to 50 years ago. I biked everywhere including going duck hunting, gun across the handle bars, decoys in the basket, hunting dog running beside me. Gosh if we did that now we would be arrested I guess, the good old days. ;D ;D


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Re: Greg Clark Memorial Fishing Derby (Cultus Lake)
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2008, 10:24:13 PM »

Good read Chris.  Looks like a lot of people turned out unlike last year, better weather and perhaps even better fishing if there were 600+ fish caught.

chris gadsden

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Re: Greg Clark Memorial Fishing Derby (Cultus Lake)
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2008, 10:24:50 PM »

Derby story has been updated some with fresh pictures of Every Day, the derby winner with the trophy and Bill Clark, his largest pikeminnow and a couple of other photo's.

chris gadsden

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Re: Greg Clark Memorial Fishing Derby (Cultus Lake)
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2008, 10:27:59 PM »

Good read Chris.  Looks like a lot of people turned out unlike last year, better weather and perhaps even better fishing if there were 600+ fish caught.
Thanks. Ken P. took all the sheets so hopefully he will give us the totals, if you get them you could post. Also Nick said there was 10 or 12 tagged ones caught. I guess Christine will do some research on them and I would like to hear the results. Hope you had good fishing too. ;D ;D

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Re: Greg Clark Memorial Fishing Derby (Cultus Lake)
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2008, 10:28:45 PM »

Sorry Chris, I had to get the rabbit ears in there as you were the only one sporting the leafs hat and face paint...............
Beako begone. ;D ;D


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Re: Greg Clark Memorial Fishing Derby (Cultus Lake)
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2008, 08:10:22 PM »

what a great day and what a great crowd!!!
I think the day was enjoyed by all, but boy, I have never been so happy in my life to go home and hop in the shower!!!  8) ;D I guess flossing cotton on a stick just isn't my thing, lol. Although, the breeze off the water sure didn't help at all. But it's all good, all the kids enjoyed the cotton candy, and everyone who walked by had a smile on their face. (which was probably due to the fact that I had blue dyed sugar stuck to me everywhere, even all of my eyelashes had little droplets hanging off them!!!)
Thanks to all the rest of the volunteers and the participants for making it an awesome day!
