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Author Topic: You all NEED to see this !!  (Read 7681 times)


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Re: You all NEED to see this !!
« Reply #15 on: July 12, 2008, 06:08:40 PM »

Terrible.  If the BC govt. or DFO won't do anything about it, I guess it's up to every fisherperson in the world to do their damndest to make sure no one eats or buys farmed salmon.


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Re: You all NEED to see this !!
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2008, 06:56:31 PM »

I just forwarded the video to 25 people and asked them to forward this on.  I also pleaded with them to vow never to eat or buy farmed fish.  I know it's a small step, but this kind of thing made huge changes with the tuna industry.  Who knows?


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Re: You all NEED to see this !!
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2008, 10:41:44 PM »

Good for you Bentrod,  we need more like you!
"What are YOU going to DO about the salmon crisis?"


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Re: You all NEED to see this !!
« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2008, 01:23:39 AM »

Unfortunately I think that the only way to get the govt to respond is for FN to sue them with massive, massive damages for loss of primary food source related to the continual allowance of destructive farming practices.  Maybe then the gov't will make a move to push the farms either out entirely or inland where they should have been to begin with.  I can't see public pressure amounting to much.  The people that dont give a f$$$ outnumber the ones that do by a long shot.  People are too comfortable eating their farmed salmon and getting such a great deal on it at costco to push for change.  Even if local opinion changed and people here stopped buying farmed fish, there is still a massive market apart from bc for them.

I think that petitions etc. can only do so much when a gov't won't listen to the people it is supposed to represent and pressure needs to be strategically applied....where it hurts.  A media $hitstorm is a good thing too but you have to "sell" it somehow so people will listen.  Anyone have any contacts at bctv we could send that video to?  It is very disturbing.  Might make a nice "see what your taste for farmed salmon is really costing" piece. 

Really the fish farm/sea lice stuff is old news and I think the drum has to be beat a little louder this time round to be heard.


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Re: You all NEED to see this !!
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2008, 05:03:36 PM »

its not just the sockeye and the pinks though, think about it, the coho, chinook, chum and steelhead all go up that way aswell, its either up the through there, or out into the pacific off the west coast, and the inlets and bays provide a better habitat for the juvinille fish, rather than the open ocean. Its a bit of a joke, how the government just sweeps the problem under the carpet just to make another buck
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