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Author Topic: Trout On The Clearwater  (Read 1900 times)


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Trout On The Clearwater
« on: May 02, 2009, 10:45:08 AM »

In a previous thread it was revealed that the Clearwater has a very healthy population of Trout.
Any thoughts on this guys?
I've never river fished trout before.
Only ever fished stocked lakes for hatchery fish and a few small streams for the elusive Athabasca Rainbows.

What sort of tactics does on emplor to catch these fine fish?
I'm sure everybody's got their own favorite method of catchng these beauties.

Thanks and Tight Lines Everyone!!


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Re: Trout On The Clearwater
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2009, 02:20:34 PM »

I've never fished the Clearwater, but I've done well on other coastal flows fishing for trout in behind spawning salmon.  Basically with any method you choose, the trout in these situations will be trying to pick off stray eggs from the salmon, so the main objective is to try to imitate single eggs.  You can fly fish with different globug patterns.  But, I've had the most success short floating trout beads ( or jensen eggs (if there isn't a bait ban) with tiny amount of white yarn.  I'd go prepared with a few different egg colours just in case they're being picky.   


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Re: Trout On The Clearwater
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2009, 02:55:02 PM »

from what i have heard a couple of great coloured trout beads for this are: pale orange, white  ;D i would also imagine that pale pink would would just as good. these would be my top 3 picks for colours to have LOTS of especially if i was fly fishing because you will snag some salmon and have to break them off.

If your going to target these trout i would try waiting until say September/October when they are in full spawn mode because this is what brings up the trout in good numbers and probably the bigger ones  ;D

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