Chunks of ice are falling off from Antarctica to Greenland and eventually you will notice.
Global warming is a fact, the Pine Beetle situation proves it.
The deniers use and pay the same scientists that claim tobacco is not harmful..
Greedy Capitalists and Corporatists are among the strongest deniers, especially those in the oil industry and those that do not like to share or spread their wealth with their employees or society. It is all about money with them and to heck with the people or environment, it is make all you can as fast as you can and the environment and people be dammed. Just look at what those types have done all over the world from clear cutting, polluting, destroying other countries, usually 3rd world countries environment and treat the people that 'work' for them like slaves.
That is why guys like Chavez, Morales, Castro etc deserve medals as they stand up to these buggers. yet like anyone that stands up to big money you usually get branded as a dictator or commie from the White House propaganda machine that is backed by big money. Individual people are branded as 'conspiracy nuts' and the media does as it is told. It is bought and paid for. There are no real journalists anymore or real news with main stream media, especially in North America. Just read the same story from Canada/US and the same in Europe very different.
Big Oil, the Bankers and greedy politicians who get 'donations' from these scumbags are the reason the planet is in such a mess from social issues to the environment. Their greed and selfishness will be the death of us all and it is foolish to believe otherwise. People need to start opening their eyes.
Not to mention most conservative, republican and people that vote for right wing parties tend to be the deniers. Too bad they wont live long enough to see what their in action will cause and regret it but their children and grandchildren sure will.