Not a whole lot to report today, a sharp contrast to yesterday's fishing result, but that's just the way it is when fishing down here.
I managed to catch a large northern pikeminnow not long after I started casting. It gave quite a strong brief run that had me thinking coho jack until I saw the scaly body.
I had another follower that was most likely a bull trout. It tapped the spinner on two different casts but could not connect.
gman joined me for a brief session, he had a few taps and managed to hook a fish briefly.
Scooterguy also joined us later on. He made a cast for his son and gave the rod to him so he could retrieve it. The end result on that first cast was a bright coho jack that we all wished to catch! His first one ever, good for him! Wild, so released after a quick photo.
Not much else happened. Saw a cutthroat trout caught. Heavy rain came occasionally. Water clarity is excellent. Today was the first day when I finally saw a large number of chum salmon moving through during the incoming tide. They were in very good shape but none were willing to bite as usual.