never mind...i already asked this question.
gotta get out there, I can never decide wether to go mountain biking or fishing...mountain biking always seems to win.
ok...silly question. Because i'm torn every weekend to either go mountain biking or fishing...mountain biking usually wins out because i'm training for a race.
But...i figure. I live in new west, there's probably some good opportunities right in my back yard. Is it worth it to just fish from shore in the local areas? There is some decent spots at the fraser foreshore park at the end of Byrne road. Just not sure if its worth it to hit up those areas of the Fraser?
I've tried at the little park just across from New West on the Fraser, can't remember the name of that park. was full of bull-heads and really not that interesting. I'm just thinking i'm probably targetting the fish in the wrong way. I was making my first and few attempts at bar fishing (i'm gonna re-kindle that this spring) and it seems like the bull-heads liked my roe better than any of the salmon.
I guess if i target the fish i'm after in the right way, then i might have more success in the new west/burnaby area on the Fraser?
Or am I just kidding myself and I should get used to bull-head fishing? hehe
thanks again,
-rob C