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Author Topic: Class Action Lawsuit being Considered  (Read 2966 times)


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Class Action Lawsuit being Considered
« on: May 29, 2010, 02:17:55 PM »

Regarding the misappropriation of Salmon Conservation Stamp Funds:

On SportfishingBC. Just a head's up here Folks in case anyone might be interested in joining into this fray. Might direct some badly needed coin towards shortfalls here in BC...



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Re: Class Action Lawsuit being Considered
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2010, 08:32:36 PM »

This lawsuit is about suing the government for saying they would do something, and then they do something else.
Governments do that all the time.
If you think any money intended for something actually ends up there, I've got news for you.
Most of the money (from taxes, levies, surcharges etc) collected for specific purposes ends up in general revenues for bonuses and raises and general growth of the government etc.
What we can do is change the government.
Remember the salmon when next you vote.
