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Author Topic: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed  (Read 20726 times)


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Re: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed
« Reply #30 on: June 02, 2010, 12:42:44 PM »

Go back to debating the HST. ;D ;D

The HST is a done deal Chris.....    Looks like the gravel debate is where I'm needed now!  :D  ;D
Disclosure:  This post has not been approved by the feedlot boys, therefore will likely be found to contain errors and statements that are out of context. :-[

chris gadsden

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Re: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed
« Reply #31 on: June 02, 2010, 04:22:00 PM »

The HST is a done deal Chris.....    Looks like the gravel debate is where I'm needed now!  :D  ;D
Correction, the Liberals are done.


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Re: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed
« Reply #32 on: June 02, 2010, 07:59:53 PM »

I would have to agree,the Liberals have really under estimated the outrage against another tax. This will cost them huge!

chris gadsden

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Re: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed
« Reply #34 on: June 05, 2010, 05:29:31 PM »

The question in my mind is: "If they can't get gravel from the Chilliwack Lake Road location, where should they get it?"           From the Fraser?, the Vedder?, from another jurisdiction??

My father taught me if I object to something then I better have an alternative solution.... and if I don't have a solution then I'd best not complain until I can come up with a solution......   So what's the alternative?

Abbotsford, Aldergrove, Langley, Surrey, Mission, Maple Ridge , Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Sechelt. Oh ya Chilliwack I think that pretty well covers them all.



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Re: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed
« Reply #35 on: June 05, 2010, 05:37:13 PM »

Abbotsford, Aldergrove,Langley,Surrey, Mission, Maple Ridge, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Sechelt. Oh ya Chilliwack I think that pretty well covers them all.

chris gadsden

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Re: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed
« Reply #36 on: June 08, 2010, 12:55:27 PM »

Some correspondence received today.


Folks - Please circulate widely and quickly. See
One of the pieces of the Gateway Program that was never included in the environmental assessment process was the seemingly inexhaustible need for gravel (prefill) that these many miles of highway building would require. The province has already approved destruction of hundreds of acres of prime agricultural farmland in the Fraser Valley (there are no examples where farmland has been restored to equal condition following gravel extraction in BC), they are raping some of our most productive salmon spawning riverbeds, and threatening our aquifers even as climate change positions the world on the brink of massive global freshwater shortages --- all to support highway construction that is unsustainable from any perspective.
Please forward this appeal - in addition to the Minister of Environment, opposition emails should be sent to the Agricultural Land Commission: to South Coast Panel c/o and the Minister of Agriculture -
We are encouraging everyone to write letters to the editor in local papers, we're ramping up viral marketing of videos and working on more themes to deliver to the growing audience of people opposed to further industrializing this beautiful river valley.

Any assistance or insight you can provide would be sincerely appreciated!

Thank you in advance,
Chilliwack River Valley resident 30 years.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2010, 02:45:49 PM by chris gadsden »


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Re: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed
« Reply #37 on: June 08, 2010, 01:42:54 PM »

--- all to support highway construction that is unsustainable from any perspective.

That single statement struck me as extremely funny...... in a sad sort of way  ???

Is he proposing that we stop building highways, letting the existing highways crumble back to gravel road status? Is he living on some little island where good roads don't matter?

Of course if we let that happen.....   the government could  probably lower the HST!  ;D  ;D

P.S. Chris can you correct the link in your post?  Thanks
« Last Edit: June 08, 2010, 01:48:09 PM by alwaysfishn »
Disclosure:  This post has not been approved by the feedlot boys, therefore will likely be found to contain errors and statements that are out of context. :-[

chris gadsden

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Re: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed
« Reply #38 on: June 08, 2010, 02:46:32 PM »

That single statement struck me as extremely funny...... in a sad sort of way  ???

Is he proposing that we stop building highways, letting the existing highways crumble back to gravel road status? Is he living on some little island where good roads don't matter?

Of course if we let that happen.....   the government could  probably lower the HST!  ;D  ;D

P.S. Chris can you correct the link in your post?  Thanks
Thanks, should work now.

chris gadsden

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Re: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed
« Reply #39 on: June 23, 2010, 05:25:21 PM »

Forum members, please consider writing a letter to these politicans as well even thought I know it gets to a pain as we are face dwith so many environmental issues. Susan and others are doing great work on our behalf. Going to look at this site this evening.




Chilliwack, BC, June 23, 2010,

*An open letter to the Ministers, and the Community*
Honorable Chuck Strahl and DFO Minister Gail Shea

Re:  Southview Sorting Ltd. Gravel Mine Proposal
         at Larson's Bench Chilliwack River Valley
Dear Mr. Strahl and Ms. Shea:

We are writing to ask you for your immediate support in a matter of grave concern to the multi-million dollar, salmon producing, Chilliwack River Valley Hatchery.
There is a 40 year gravel mine proposal now before the BC Ministry of Mines, that would be located *directly upstream of the Chilliwack Salmon Hatchery.  *The Upper Chilliwack River aquifer is also located around and above the hatchery in the area of the mine site, and this aquifer flows directly into the hatchery's artesian wells.
A recent report by the City of Chilliwack has identified there will be a risk to water quality from a mine in that location.  The FVRD has also recognized there is a water quality risk, and has asked for thorough environmental impact studies as well as hydrological studies.  The hydrogeologist who identified the aquifer for MoE has also suggested we need a thorough hydrology study.  Downstream, dependent on groundwater that may be effected by the proposal, there are documented species at risk such as red-legged frogs, mountain beaver, and snow shoe hares.

As you can probably surmise, residents have many other issues with the proposed mine location, such as public road safety, noise and dust, negative impact on tourism, impact on neighbouring aquifer wells and the unknown impact on the precious Chipmunk Creek Caves, and more.  The fisheries issue and the protection of species at risk belongs to the federal government alone.

We believe it would demonstrate sound judgement for the Federal government to ask the Provincial Ministry of mines to stop their permitting process, as the risks to the hatchery and the fragile ecosystem is high.  According to the Candian Government's own /Framework for the Application of Precaution in Science Based Decision Making About Risk/ (2003), in situations where the potential impacts of a proposal are high, and the science is not certain, precaution is a legitimate decision-making approach.  Certainly, the current critical situation of Pacific salmon stocks can ill afford anything left to chance.  Everything humanly possible must be done to safeguard our dwindling salmon runs.

Also, in this time of diminishing worldwide ground water resources, residents feel strongly we cannot afford to take risks with our precious watershed reserves.  Even if this mine beats the odds and has no spills and maintains a perfect record of operation for 40 years, there are risks to salmon habitat from the adjacent Pierce Creek stream, and from opening up access to the water table below, in such close proximity to the fish hatchery that relies on pristine water flows. There are far better locations for this open pit mine than in this designated 'red zoned' environmentally sensitive area, and the applicant evidently has alternative non-red zone gravel locations that the FVRD has no issues with.

Time is of the essence. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Looking forward to your early reply.

Susan Federspiel:  
(on behalf of the Friends of the Chilliwack River Valley, Sports Fishers, Small Business Owners, Residents, Tourists, and Recreation users of the Chilliwack River Valley and the over 1,800+ signers of local petition)

C.C.  The Honorable Barry Penner Minister of the Environment, Robert Freeman, Chilliwack Progress, Paul Henderson, Chilliwack Times, Mike Archer,,, The Tyee, The Province, The Vancouver Sun, Fraser Valley Salmon Society, BC Wildlife Association, Save Our Rivers, David Suzuki Foundation,, Rafe Mair, Tara Gostelow 895 the Hawk, Fraser Basin Council, CRV Ratepayers Association.

#  #  #  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
« Last Edit: June 23, 2010, 05:27:58 PM by chris gadsden »

chris gadsden

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Re: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed
« Reply #40 on: July 13, 2010, 11:09:43 PM »

We have got Global TV coming to cover this tomorrow, not sure if it will air on the evening news or later in the week.

chris gadsden

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Re: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed
« Reply #41 on: July 14, 2010, 06:11:30 PM »

I arranged this morning to have Global TV come up to the Chilliwack River Valley today to cover this purposed gravel pit that could threaten the Chilliwack River Hatchery ground water, the aquifer and of course having dangerous trucks on the narrow Chilliwack Lake Road that will be a safety factor to the public not to mention the damage it will will do to the roadway's pavement. It should be on Global tonight or tomorrow. Randy Hawes the mines minister seems to be pushing for it even though it is in a red zone, go figure.

Dave and Glen did a great job on front of the camera.