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Author Topic: First Nations' 2010 sockeye fishing plans  (Read 3378 times)


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First Nations' 2010 sockeye fishing plans
« on: July 26, 2010, 04:43:41 PM »

Here is an update on First Nations' sockeye fishing plans from DFO so you don't get surprised if you come across netting activities during opening periods.

Folks, just a note to let you know that the Early Stuart/Early Summer window closure has ended and First Nations in the marine waters have begun fishing for sockeye for FSC purposes. There has been activity by seine vessels in Area 29. 

In river fisheries FSC have begun on a limited scale. Musqueam was authorized to fish for 9 hours today and Tsawwassen fishes for 9 hours tomorrow.  There will likely be some level of FSC fishing this coming weekend from the mouth of the Fraser to Sawmill Creek.  For up to date information please check our website at: