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Author Topic: Bruce Allen's Reality Check: Talk about Native fishing  (Read 6831 times)

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Bruce Allen's Reality Check: Talk about Native fishing
« on: August 12, 2010, 07:22:15 PM »

Surprising someone has come out to publicly talk about the issues with the Sockeye fishery.


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Re: Bruce Allen's Reality Check: Talk about Native fishing
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2010, 09:04:56 PM »

It's politics alright.  I wonder what the politicians are trying to accomplish..
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Re: Bruce Allen's Reality Check: Talk about Native fishing
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2010, 07:42:36 AM »

what does he say?


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Re: Bruce Allen's Reality Check: Talk about Native fishing
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2010, 08:12:19 AM »

In a nutshell - that John Cummins (Conservative MP of Delta - Richmond East) has 'balls'!  :D

This is a quote from John Cummins supposedly said on a one to one interview:

"I never cease to be amazed that the Department of Fisheries can find new ways to shaft fishermen in their ongoing mismanagement of the Fraser River"

Bruce Allen then wonders in amazement about how much fish the Aborginals 'need' for ceremonies purposes and then blasted the DFO for allowing only a 3 hour commerical opening while the first nations were allowed multiple openings prior to that.

Check out Cummins web site - he's really blasting the Cohen Inquiry:

Tis appears that he's not out to make friends with the government party.

Save the Whales - Collect the Whole Set!!!


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Re: Bruce Allen's Reality Check: Talk about Native fishing
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2010, 08:42:22 AM »

   As much as i respect John Cummins, he is or was primarily a commercial fisherman, and the history of the commercial fisheries bashing the natives goes back well over 100 years in BC, here's an interesting read about the banning of the native fisheries although not entirely relevant the same commercial attitude seems to prevail today as it did in the 1800's  It depends on which side of the fence you're on when you judge who's getting shafted, this might also be an eye opener for those who keep saying the natives should go back to their traditional fishing methods because I'm fairly sure miles and miles of fish weirs lining the banks like were once out there in the Rosedale area would be way more efficient than the gillnets used today. John Cummins does tell it like it is but only from a commercial fishermans point of view, every time a commercial fisherman sees anyone else catching a fish whether it be native or sports they're under the opinion that they're taking money out of their pockets. Years ago when fishing out in Uculet we had a troller cut across our stern deliberately cutting off our gear when we had a large spring hooked, giving us the finger and laughing as they did it don't expect any sympathy from me John.


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Re: Bruce Allen's Reality Check: Talk about Native fishing
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2010, 10:03:04 AM »

     It depends on which side of the fence you're on when you judge who's getting shafted, this might also be an eye opener for those who keep saying the natives should go back to their traditional fishing methods because I'm fairly sure miles and miles of fish weirs lining the banks like were once out there in the Rosedale area would be way more efficient than the gillnets used today.

You are saying weirs are more efficient than the modern boats and motors, nets, coolers, vehicle transport systems etc. etc.that are used by the natives today?   That's absolute nonsense!!  ::)
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Re: Bruce Allen's Reality Check: Talk about Native fishing
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2010, 11:42:23 AM »

You are saying weirs are more efficient than the modern boats and motors, nets, coolers, vehicle transport systems etc. etc.that are used by the natives today?   That's absolute nonsense!!  ::)

weirs are more efficient at separating species of salmon while ALIVE.

When i was in russia I saw them harvesting the abundant species over the species they needed to protect.

brilliant system.


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Re: Bruce Allen's Reality Check: Talk about Native fishing
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2010, 06:10:44 AM »

   Just amazing how newspaper articles in 1904 were stating that the native fishery was wiping out the sockeye and 106 years later the commercial fishers are still making the same claims shows how far we've came and how well our methods of dealing with the problems have worked. Fish weirs placed strategically along the bars would catch every fish swimming along that bar, coolers and transportation of the catch have nothing to do with the efficiency of the method of catching the fish, and the outboard motors and boats don't make a whole lot of difference either if you are doing your harvesting from the beach. I just made that statement to kinda tell people to be careful what you wish for.


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Re: Bruce Allen's Reality Check: Talk about Native fishing
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2010, 11:50:34 AM »

Some parts I agree with, others not so much.
I am totally fine with FN food and ceremonial fisheries. I have a problem with the sales of fish caught under these fisheries. There is no way of knowing how many fish are caught and sold this way.  There needs to be agreements in regards to how many fish are required for FSC purposes based on a per person amount. While I am not 100% behind the commercial net fishery - I see the return to the economy as very low to negative using a public resource, I can see their point that they should not sit idle while the FN are having fisheries where they are allowed to sell the fish. Especially where some of the FN have commercial boats and can catch a lot of fish under these openings and then the next day when a regular commercial opening happens, they are first in line at the fish plant.