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Author Topic: Looking to talk to anglers for salmon research  (Read 14258 times)

Sterling C

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Re: Looking to talk to anglers for salmon research
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2010, 05:27:29 PM »

Was nice to run into some of you guys today! I will be at Peg Leg tomorrow (thursday), so please come say hi !

Since you are from out of town I figured I'll give you the heads up.

The 'fishermen' that you meet at these places are what you might consider the lowest common denominator. There is no 'responsible fishing' taking place at these areas. This is a fishery that is fueled by greed.

I suspect you will find very different perspectives between those who partake in this fishery and those that don't.

If you would like to contact me please follow the email listed under my profile. I'm not a big fan of spam mail so I didn't post it inside the thread.
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Re: Looking to talk to anglers for salmon research
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2010, 05:38:25 PM »

The 'fishermen' that you meet at these places are what you might consider the lowest common denominator. There is no 'responsible fishing' taking place at these areas. This is a fishery that is fueled by greed.


Guess that makes me '1'  :(  (the lowest common demoninator)

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Re: Looking to talk to anglers for salmon research
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2010, 07:46:41 PM »

Since you are from out of town I figured I'll give you the heads up.

The 'fishermen' that you meet at these places are what you might consider the lowest common denominator. There is no 'responsible fishing' taking place at these areas. This is a fishery that is fueled by greed.

I suspect you will find very different perspectives between those who partake in this fishery and those that don't.

If you would like to contact me please follow the email listed under my profile. I'm not a big fan of spam mail so I didn't post it inside the thread.

Comments like yours certainly tell a lot about who you are.  ???  Rating everyone as the lowest common denominator in order to elevate your own stature probably won't be all that successful for you......
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Re: Looking to talk to anglers for salmon research
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2010, 09:07:37 PM »

Since you are from out of town I figured I'll give you the heads up.

The 'fishermen' that you meet at these places are what you might consider the lowest common denominator. There is no 'responsible fishing' taking place at these areas. This is a fishery that is fueled by greed.

I suspect you will find very different perspectives between those who partake in this fishery and those that don't.

If you would like to contact me please follow the email listed under my profile. I'm not a big fan of spam mail so I didn't post it inside the thread.

Again you are wrong, I was out there and did speak with salmonsurvey, I'm pretty sure there are plenty of conservation minded folks out there.....

perhaps she will remember speaking to me and my bud at the mouth of the silverhope, sat morning. we were walking out.....I have some conservation projects coming up if your still interested salmonsurvey.

« Last Edit: August 18, 2010, 09:09:42 PM by jetboatjim »


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Re: Looking to talk to anglers for salmon research
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2010, 09:52:42 PM »

Since you are from out of town I figured I'll give you the heads up.

The 'fishermen' that you meet at these places are what you might consider the lowest common denominator. There is no 'responsible fishing' taking place at these areas. This is a fishery that is fueled by greed.

I suspect you will find very different perspectives between those who partake in this fishery and those that don't.

If you would like to contact me please follow the email listed under my profile. I'm not a big fan of spam mail so I didn't post it inside the thread.

Wow, your comments just make me shake my head.  Lowest common denominator?  A large percentage of the people on this board are partaking in the Sockeye fishery,  many of whom are responsible fisherman, good stewards of the resource by volunteering in clean ups, and generally abide by the law.  They aren't fueled by greed, all they want to do is to go out and catch a couple of fish to take home, and nothing more.  I am by no means promoting or denouncing  this fishery, my opinion of it does not matter but comments like yours serve to further divide Recreational fishing community more so than it already is.  
« Last Edit: August 18, 2010, 09:55:08 PM by Stratocaster »

Fish Slayer

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Re: Looking to talk to anglers for salmon research
« Reply #20 on: August 19, 2010, 10:47:30 PM »

I would have to agree 100% with sterling on his comment. The sockeye meat fishery is not a real SPORT fishery, it is a harvest. I doubt many anglers out there regularly check their regs, know proper fish ID, or even give a rats you know what about how the sport is handled or managed. You're going to end up getting tainted info which is biased I think.


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Re: Looking to talk to anglers for salmon research
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2010, 06:50:45 AM »

I would have to agree 100% with sterling on his comment.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion - even if they are wrong. ;) Hmm - Maybe I'm wrong ??? I'll have to ask my missus! :D

Sterlings quote:
The 'fishermen' that you meet at these places are what you might consider the lowest common denominator.

So both you and Sterling figure that NO responsible and ethical sportfisherman would be caught partaking in catching a few sockeye directly from the river as opposed to purchasing it off the shelf, off a boat or off the back of a truck!!  Again - everyone is entitled to an opinion...

I doubt many anglers out there regularly check their regs, know proper fish ID, or even give a rats you know what about how the sport is handled or managed. You're going to end up getting tainted info which is biased I think.

This statement I totally agree with as now you are not generalizing the entire angler population.

The problem is, no matter where Vivian attempts to attain her information in the lower mainland (unless it is in a remote river or lake location where then she will find a responsible and ethical sportfisherman ::)  ), there will be those who simply choose to ignore or simply not read up on the current rules and the regulations of any waterway.
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Re: Looking to talk to anglers for salmon research
« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2010, 10:26:41 AM »

Vivian, I would love to chat via email, telephone, or at a bar this weeken... (sorry sterling) ;)  Where will you be this weekend?

I have fished the sockeye run 3 times this summer...every trip I have seen a variety of rules broken from barbed hooks, to double dipping, to retaining a snagged fish (i even pointed it out to the guy that it was hooke din the back...he didnt care)...what we call the "sports sockeye fishery" is a mess and it is messing a lot of other fisheries.

While I do particapate, I often reget my greed as it fuels the degridation of so many of fisheries I enjoy sooooo much more than sockeye.

PS - alwaysfishn, Sterling doesnt need to elevate his status...he is a top rod on any drift, I have fished with him occasionally over a number of years: casting flies for coho, casting spinners, twitching gigs, floating roe...steelhead, salmon, what ever...he knows how to make a fish bite so I totally understand his attitude towards the sockeye fishery. 



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Re: Looking to talk to anglers for salmon research
« Reply #23 on: August 20, 2010, 11:32:03 AM »

PS - alwaysfishn, Sterling doesnt need to elevate his status...he is a top rod on any drift, I have fished with him occasionally over a number of years: casting flies for coho, casting spinners, twitching gigs, floating roe...steelhead, salmon, what ever...he knows how to make a fish bite so I totally understand his attitude towards the sockeye fishery. 

I'm not questioning his abilities or his choices regarding putting meat on the table. I am however suggesting that calling you, me and thousands of other fishermen "the lowest common denominator" will not garner him a lot of respect even if he thinks it does.   ???
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Re: Looking to talk to anglers for salmon research
« Reply #24 on: August 20, 2010, 01:34:00 PM »

I think you previosuly agreed/stated that the sockeye fishery is a meet fishery...its not a sport fishery like winter steelies, fall salmon, why would you disagree with sockeye fishermen being called the lowest common denomonator...its true isn't it ??? 

I know there are lots of people out there right now that their only salmon hooked this year will be a flossed fish on the fraser...lets face it...the fraser floss fishery is a joke.   I know there are people here that are very proud to floss a sockeye...heck it even was worth a post in fish porn for someone (new low in my books) ...I think we could all benefit from keeping things in perspective a little.  We are out there snagging fish...lets not glorify it to be anything better than that.

Fish Slayer

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Re: Looking to talk to anglers for salmon research
« Reply #25 on: August 20, 2010, 05:36:32 PM »

I'm not questioning his abilities or his choices regarding putting meat on the table. I am however suggesting that calling you, me and thousands of other fishermen "the lowest common denominator" will not garner him a lot of respect even if he thinks it does.   ???
I highly doubt that sterling comes on here to make friends or try to earn peoples interweb respect. I think that he, much like myself come on here to see what the general mass of bodies from the fishing world are talking about and to voice our opinions when so feel like doing.

Yes the sockeye snaggery is a terribe way for people to think that they are fishermen but with the lack of education that is provided for the sport what would you  expect?  There should be a test to write just like there is for hunting, as in all reality we are hunting fish. In the test there could be a section on ethics, proper angler behavior, fish identification, and most importantly fish handling skills.

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Re: Looking to talk to anglers for salmon research
« Reply #26 on: August 21, 2010, 08:06:01 AM »

Here we go again. The debate about the ethics (or lack of) of sockeye fishing will go on forever.
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