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Author Topic: Bill Otway  (Read 10617 times)


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    • Othmar Vohringer Outdoors
Re: Bill Otway
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2010, 12:05:37 PM »

It is with great sadness that I have to inform the members of this forum that Bill Otway passed away today in the early morning hours.

His wife informed me that according to Bill's wishes there will be no funeral held. Sometime later (date, time and exact location to be announced) a life celebration luncheon in honor of Bill will be held in Coquitlam. Instead of flowers it is Bill's wish to make a monetary donation to the BC Wildlife Federation. With his death I lost a very good friend and the outdoor community lost one of the foremost fighters and defenders for our cause. His absence will be felt for many years to come.

My sympathy and prayers to out to Bill's family and many friends here in BC and Canada. He was a remarkable man of the likes we will never see again. We all own Bill a huge thank you for what good he has done for all of us over the many years of his life. Rest in peace my friend. 

Othmar Vohringer - Smart Hunting Strategies (SHS)


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Re: Bill Otway
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2010, 01:29:01 PM »

my prayers go out to bill and his family


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Re: Bill Otway
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2010, 02:12:59 PM »

my condolences to all Bills family and friends,it indeed is a very sad day to lose a man of Bills passion for our outdoors,to fight the fights for all of us that most of us would or could never do,thank you Bill,R.I.P.
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Re: Bill Otway
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2010, 05:03:27 PM »

My condolences to Bill's family. He truely was a remarkable man.

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Re: Bill Otway
« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2010, 01:46:19 AM »

I remember him a champion for the cause of steelhead preservation. He was truly a friend of the steelhead, and all of us steelheaders will miss the field general in steelhead preservation. May he rest in peace.

Terry Bodman

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Re: Bill Otway
« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2010, 08:18:06 AM »

It is up to all of us to remember Bill by continuing his good work.
"One man of courage makes a majority"


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Re: Bill Otway
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2010, 05:29:03 PM »

My condolences to the family of a true gentleman and sportsman.

chris gadsden

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Re: Bill Otway
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2010, 07:29:58 PM »

By Rafe Mair
It’s with great sadness I learned of the death of Bill Otway, the sports fisherman’s constant warrior. Bill was a mainstay of the BC Wildlife Association and its executive director for many years.

I got to know Bill when I was a BC cabinet minister and I was one of three to hold a hearing on the Revelstoke Dam even though it was irreversible. The BC Hydro lawyer was giving evidence and was consistently asked by Bill what would happen to a certain strain of Rainbow trout. He so exasperated the lawyer with this question he finally spluttered out “For God’s sake Mr Otway, we already destroyed that species with the Mica Dam!”

Here’s a “now it can be told” story. The government I was in with one exception (me) couldn’t care less about fish and the problems associated with them. I got a call from Bill one day in the Spring of 1979 when I was Environment Minister. He told me that the BC Wildlife Association was going under. As I remember it was $75,000 in the hole. I told Bill that I would do what I could but that I wasn’t hopeful.

Serendipitously, at the next Cabinet meeting we learned that because we had joined the national lottery, (649), all of a sudden we had a bunch of cash outside the budget. What to do?

In the nothing ventured, nothing gained  mode I out the case for the BCWF and told my colleagues about their problem. I told my colleagues that these folks didn’t support the Socreds because we wouldn’t listen to them. To my enormous surprise the Premier asked “what was the amount again, Rafe?”

I told him it was $75,000 and Bennett said, I think we should do it and even though the rest of the room though he and I had lost our minds it was agreed. We were 18 in number but we knew that if the guy at the end of the table wanted something, the vote was suddenly 19-18!

I must here digress for a moment.

The City of Seattle had the right under an old deal with BC to raise the Ross Dam on their part of the Skagit river near Hope which would have flooded the river on our side, built a sizeable lake and destroyed a beautiful drifting, canoeing and fishing river. This came to a head at the same time and I told Bennett that this simply couldn’t happen on my watch. He directed me to go to Seattle, and buy them off, which I did.

With the saving of the Skagit and the BCWF we gained a lot of Brownie points. This was all in April of 1979 and an election was far from my mind as we’d been less than 3 ½ years in power. When, right after these two events, Bennett called an election I was as surprised as the rest of my colleagues and the media.

I don’t say and will not believe that Bill Bennett called an election because he had catered so grandly to the outdoors voters. He knew I was an environmentalist when he appointed me and while he certainly couldn’t have forecast the BCWF and Skagit issues, he knew that industry was not going to like having me in this position.

At any rate, the same time as the election BCWF, in its news letter, praised Bill and me to the skies and that sure as hell didn’t hurt! I can tell you that after touring much of the province helping out colleagues, I have no doubt that if we hadn’t done what we did, the very close election would have gone the other way!

Bill Otway, then, quite without intending it, may well have kept us in power.

I saw a lot of Bill during the 80s when he took the boys from the hugely popular TV show, “Dallas”, hunting and fishing. In fact I chaired at least one fundraiser for the BCWF when Larry Hagman, Patrick Duffy, Steve Kanaly and Howard Keel were on hand. I did some radio interviews of them, I think all of them.

Bill Otway and I went to Sweden to look at animal issues and how they handled them. We flew to London First Class (those days have gone!). Bill was a rough diamond and as we sat down I kidded Bill saying that if he behaved himself I promised not to tell anyone he’d flown in the front cabin. I was joking, of course, and his rejoinder was that worse than this, he didn’t want anyone to know he’d flown with a god damned Socred cabinet minister!

As we were landing, Bill did something that we kidded about almost every time we met, in private and in public – he barfed his dinner and teeth into the barf bag! My reply to this interesting development was ” and you were doing so well, Bill”!

Bill loved the story.

Maybe you had to be there!

Bill always knew his brief and took care to be fully informed. That’s how he was able to speak for outdoors issues so well and was such a formidable debater. He was a consistent battler against the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and one need only talk to former senior scientists from that department to know how much they respected Bill and how much they wished the politicians would listen.

Bill Otway had all the ingredients to carry the burdens he did – smart, stubborn, fearless and a thoroughly decent man.

British Columbia lost something it can ill afford – a wise man who said what he thought, when he thought it, and without concern for whom he might offend.

Bill Otway is owed a huge debt of gratitude by us all. Our hearts go out to Carol and the rest of his family.

Rest in peace, friend.


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Re: Bill Otway
« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2010, 06:46:10 PM »

Great tribute to Bill by Rafe Mair. Everybody that knew Bill has such stories to tell. Bill was a grassroots man that believed in affirmative action. Bill did not suffer fools easily and as one government official told me once; "When Bill came to a meeting we all knew that we were in for it and better had our facts straight and have the data to back up or else risk public humiliation." When Bill believed that he was right, and he was most of the time, there was no holding him back. Bill always spoke his mind and never minced words even if that meant that he had to offend somebody.

I believe one of many reasons why Bill and I got along so well is because in this regard I am the same. Tow years ago Bill proposed to our club that we should shame the government with a "Poor Box" stunt into providing more funding for the CO's. This was right after the government cut the budget for the Wildlife Services again. All the board members, except me, thought that this is not a good idea because it might offend somebody or because it could attract unwanted negative attention. So Bill and I went ahead anyway and placed "Poor Boxes" in all the outdoor sports stores in the area. In addition I dedicated one of my weekly newspaper columns to the stunt plus wrote for days on all of my popular outdoor blogs about it that are read across North America. It created quite a stir across North America. Four days later Bill phoned me up, laughing he told me; "Othmar you can stop writing about the poor boxes on your blogs and maybe we should pull the boxes in the stores too. I got an email from the Minister telling me that after reading your blog columns he found money in the budget to give to the CO's." My blogs are regularly read by BC and Canadian government officials, especially when I call them out on an issue.

The term "They don't make them anymore like that." certainly applies to Bill.

Bill wrote a book "Fish Cops & Game Wardens" filled with stories and anecdotes from times gone by. Perhaps one day I'll write a book in honor of Bill with some of the stories and anecdotes from the "Field Marshall" of conservation, hunter and angler advocacy.   
Othmar Vohringer - Smart Hunting Strategies (SHS)


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Re: Bill Otway
« Reply #24 on: October 21, 2010, 04:48:28 PM »

Just got this news from Bill Otway's wife Carol.

There will be a Celebration of Life for Bill, held at the Executive Inn in Coquitlam (near Lougheed Mall) on Nov. 14th from 1pm to 4pm.

According to Bill's wish his his family has requested that no flowers be sent but that donations be made to the BCWF in Bills honour.
Othmar Vohringer - Smart Hunting Strategies (SHS)

chris gadsden

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Re: Bill Otway
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2010, 05:50:35 AM »

Here's what John Cummins had to say in the House of Commons.

October 27th, 2:10 p.m.
Bill Otway

Mr. Speaker, it is with great sadness that I inform the House of the passing
of Bill Otway.

British Columbia wildlife enthusiasts and recreational fishermen have lost a
consummate warrior and friend.

Bill spent a lifetime at the forefront of the fight for the best in management
practices for fish and wildlife and was the single most vocal proponent of the
right of recreational anglers to fish.

Always available to provide advice and, yes, even criticism, Bill never
wavered in his convictions for the sake of popularity.

A former executive director of the B.C. Wildlife Federation and a sports
fishing adviser to the federal government, Bill was the recipient of many
awards, including a national Recreational Fisheries Award from DFO.

Bill had all the ingredients to carry the burdens he did. He was a smart,
stubborn, fearless and thoroughly decent man.

In Bill's passing, British Columbia and, indeed, Canada lost someone it could
ill afford to lose: a real conservationist and wise man who said what had to
be said.

Our hearts go out to his wife Carol and the rest of his family.



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Re: Bill Otway
« Reply #26 on: October 29, 2010, 06:13:41 PM »

I knew Bill for over 40 years. I was out of the country when he died, so I didnt get a chance to say "goodbye".  While I fought many times with him, I always had the greatest respect for him.   I loved debating with him.   On several occasions, I remember telling him "Bill-- you are full of s#@t ! He  laughed and said  " I may be-- but I got your attention didnt I????"   ;D

I know of no other single person that has done so much to advance and defend the rights of hunters and fishermen in BC.
RIP  buddy. I will miss you.