Every year an event called Canstruction takes place in Vancouver to help the FoodBank. Please come by Canada Place this week and be part of this great cause.
And don't forget to vote for the awesome canucks stanley cup In a nutshell, Canstruction® is a canned food sculpture competition that has raised over 1,030,000 cans of food for the food bank already! Now in its 9th year, this event showcases the creative and generous spirit of all the teams participating. Who’s in this year? Everyone! There are corporate teams, newbies and youth groups!
Sunday to Sunday
Feb. 27th to March 6th
10 am – 5 pm
Vancouver Cruise Ship Terminal
Under the Sails
At Canada Place
Bring donations for the food bank. Monetary is preferred, as it goes a lot further than straight donations of canned goods.
Our engineering company, Levelton competed again this year with two teams (Canucksstruction and Hamber Time). We built a Canucks cup & logo and also a Mario/donkey kong theme with the school.