so are you guys saying you would frown at my treble hook chironie pattern ?? lol
--no problem as long as you don't use it in a single barbless lk.
--this summer looking at doing (approved scientific experiment permit not on my own) a study to see if different sized barbless trebles are actually better for use than large single barbless... for larger lakes there is often a single barbless rule.... the idea being to allow for release of large rainbows... the issue is the large hook.... especially siwash often kills small kokanee...
--in the case of okanagan lk kokanee is closed for part of the season. Our thoughts being... larger treble.... there are different shaped hooks as well in treble from wide gap to almost a circle hook design plus some have one large and two smaller hooks etc... would not deep hook or spin into the head of smaller kokanee.
--I don't think regulation works as well as good information... people for the most part will follow the rules ... if the rules are clear and make sense.
--I use the single barbless for more practical reasons... especially when trolling I use two lines.. three if three people in the boat.. and I target larger fish thus if I hook into smaller fish I want to release it quickly and safely .. even long release so I can get the lure back and fishing.. Also find that on larger fish I get at least as good if not better hook up and landing % with single barbless.. so you see I'm not such a good guy after all... and for sure I don't want to regulate the heck out of others who may enjoy another method of fishing if it isn't necessary to do so for conservation reason.