Don't buy a starter kit, there are SOOOOOO many things in them that you will never use!!!!
I teach Fly Tying, and what I do is find out where my student is going to be fishing (Lake, River, salmon, Steelhead, etc.....) and then give them a list of things to buy.
I would, as a beginner, buy the fllowing tools;
-Whip finisher
-2 Bobbins (I recommend the ones that have ceramic inserts, or full ceramc)
-Hair Stacker
-Dubbing spinner
-One pair of good scissors, and one cheep pair (For cutting wire, etc.....)
-Stiff bristled tooth brush, and then glue on a small piece of valcro on the back side (The male part)
Then, from there, you need to figure out what kind of flies you want to tie and go to the store and buy the materials you need.
You will need the following for sure!;
-Black thread (3/0), (6/0) & (8/0)
-Olive Green Thread (3/0), (6/0) & (8/0)
-Red Thread (3/0), (6/0) & (8/0)
-White Thread (3/0), (6/0) & (8/0)
-Head Cement
After that, you REALLY need to figure out WHT you want to tie, and go out and get the materials!
Good luck, and Welcome to "The Obsession!!!"