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Author Topic: Thompson  (Read 17395 times)


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Re: Thompson
« Reply #45 on: November 11, 2011, 08:33:12 PM »

Hypocrisy at its finest!  ::)
Still waiting??? Spell it out dude.



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Re: Thompson
« Reply #46 on: November 11, 2011, 08:43:19 PM »

Still waiting??? Spell it out dude.

I already have! dude.
Have you talked too someone for a while and thought too yourself.......
"who ties your shoelaces for you"

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Re: Thompson
« Reply #47 on: November 11, 2011, 08:51:57 PM »

Guys like this dont get it.Please do not post any reports or pics about the T. Enough people threatening each other already.Hopefully the vedder crowd will stay home.

Guys like this?

Are you saying you're better than someone (pretty much everyone I guess in your mind) because you decide that you will not fish the Thompson, and therefore everyone should follow your lead? Get off your high horse dude.

I asked a simple question. A bunch of people helped me on an open river! If you don't like it, too bad, it's open. I'm not expecting a fish, if I hook one I don't plan to fight it for 20 mins and drag it up the beach, I plan to treat it the way I would any other steelhead. Steelhead such as the ones on island rivers, that have runs just as small and sport fishing doesn't seem to effect them much at all. If you want to start a lobbyist group (seems to be a common trend right now  ::) ) Go after the commercial netting and native nets (and moron's bb'ing that kill them), they do much more damage.

Btw, I'll do what I want as far as posting pics, a report, etc. Hell, if anyone in my group gets one (once again not expected) I might even do it just to annoy you even more to be honest, nice big pic of a beautiful steelhead right into this thread. I'm not the type of person that respects the high and mighty that think their way is the only way.

I respect the fact that you care about these steelhead and want to protect them; but to tell me and a couple buddies to leave them alone when we just want to get out for a day on the weekend for the one time a month I come home, to explore some new water and just have a fun trip.

PS Maybe read the original post, where I didn't even say I was targeting steelhead (for all you know maybe we are going for bull trout and rainbows).
Secondly my very first post said before you start drilling, I don't want to hear it, save your posts for elsewhere. Seems some people can't read....

chris gadsden

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Re: Thompson
« Reply #48 on: November 11, 2011, 09:13:26 PM »

Lets try to keep this discussion civil, I know we all get carried away and I am guilty of this too as we are all human and say things we should not, be it on the HST and fish farms but we gain more by respecting everyones opinions and have a better fishing forum for us all to enjoy.

My opinion on this is we gain more, by having it open even though there could be some draw back that others have pointed out.

 My thoughts is as soon as a system is closed people start to loose interest in it and it degraded further as development and other harmful factors take hold. I believe we know what they are. We have this fund raiser for this system being organized and its tributaries taking place, this will raise money to hopefully improve the chances for these world class fish to once again flourish.

An opportunity to fish helps people willing to organize and contribute for a cause like this.

As another thread said there was some unhealthy activity between some people but that happens on all rivers and in other aspects of life not just in fishing.

My Remembrance Day 2011 message to all that may read this and agree or disagree.


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Re: Thompson
« Reply #49 on: November 12, 2011, 04:27:17 AM »

Yes, alot of passion on my part regarding this issue.I have taken a beating over it.Its okay,I have big shoulders and will continue to express my opinion to anyone who will listen.Those Island streams you talk about ED with small populations of steelhead, do not see a fraction of the amount of anglers that are pounding the Thompson right now.


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Re: Thompson
« Reply #50 on: November 12, 2011, 11:22:51 AM »

will any of you be at the ssbc fundraiser on the 23 ?


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Re: Thompson
« Reply #51 on: November 12, 2011, 05:09:38 PM »

Probally not Jim. Thier too busy fishing the Thompson.Take,take.take and never give back. I cannot make it as im working out of province.I will be sending a donation to this great cause. Any one else going to step up to the plate?


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Re: Thompson
« Reply #52 on: November 12, 2011, 05:32:13 PM »

With out any sport anglers there would be no one to care about the river and its fish. This is the first year of returning fish of the cycle since they closed it to sport fishing for the first time ever in history, and to be honest it doesn't look like its gotten any better. Sport fishers are not the cause for the demise of the fish, plain and simple there is no arguing that. Commercial & FN nets, warm water temps in the tribs, lack of water withing the mainstem and the tribs, off shore ocean interception, salmon farms, etc... A guy putting a hook in a fishes mouth does not kill it, yes there is mortality but its 3 pecent. For every 100 hooked 3 die, if the run is 1000 then 30 die if all of the fish get hooked (which they don't) Each thompson doe contains approx. 15,000 eggs. x about 550-700 does = 8250000 - 10500000 eggs. Considering how ocean survival is on the up swing of things, the survival number out weighs the death toll. Now if a fish get wrapped up in a gill net.... it is stone DEAD, if it has lack of oxygen, its dead. This whole shut down the river to the sport anglers who put in thousands of dollars into the economy in gas, fishing liscences, tackle, hotel rooms & food in order to some how recover the run is a hoax. When you have all the other causes like ranchers and commies etc. who don't care 1 bit and are causing the majority of the damage, but they get free rights to rape and pillage. (obviously not purposely, but they are causing a demise to the fish) The thompson run get absolutely destroyed coming around the south end of the island in the chum fleets as well as the lower fraser if they give an opening and in the fraser canyon by the FN nets soaking. Who is to know what, where and why they aren't recovering. Steelhead for lack of better terms aren't even being managed, in comparison to pacific salmon by the province. Enjoy...

So... go fish, figure it out, find the spots, use whatever you want (within the fishing regulations), because anglers on the river is better than off the river, catch a couple fish and have fun.

See you on the 23rd...
Fish killer 101


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Re: Thompson
« Reply #53 on: November 12, 2011, 05:57:46 PM »

untill we all say WE are a part of the demise , we will not get anywhere.

WE all did it now we ALL have to fix it.