This was part of a great post from another forum about swinging for steelhead that I thought I'd share.
I think its great info for anyone starting out for steel, and great for those of us who have been swinging so long we've forgotten a few of the basic ideas.
"#6 - Narrow the focus, part 5. Three flies. One orange, one black, one purple, 1 1/2" to 2" long, tied either wound marabou collar style or in the egg sucking leech style. If in ESL, use a red egg "head" on the black and a chartreuse head on the purple. These three colors in the size described have caught steelhead under all water viz conditions and on, I'd be willing to wager, every river on the west coast that has been angled much for winter steelhead. The simplicity of fly selection is once again, a focus tactic to keep the angler locked onto the learning and away from being sidetracked by all the frilly little accoutrements that often accompany fly fishing... there will be lots of opportunity for that later."
Thanks to Ed for passing down great knowledge.