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Author Topic: Anyone swing both ways?  (Read 6308 times)


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Anyone swing both ways?
« on: January 27, 2012, 10:45:28 AM »

I knew the title would make you look!

I hurt my right shoulder 3 years ago and although I can still fish, it comes with consequences. Where I used to go for several hours casting all day I can't anymore, couple hours tops and I pay for it for several days after.

I've been working hard to be more of a lefty for casting but was wondering if any of you have experienced something like this and adapted successfully.

Would a CP be easier on my shoulder than baitcaster? I found a spinning set up and twitching a jig last fall for pinks and coho for some reason was easier on the shoulder than a bait caster, possibly because coho and pinks can be found close to shore so I never neeeded to really punish my shoulder with long casts. I even fished a little with the flyrod but again for pinks so not alot of long casts, when I did switch to lefty with the flyrod I sucked.



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Re: Anyone swing both ways?
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2012, 10:56:00 AM »

the pin doesn't help sore sholder. With the pin you have to really load it kinda like a baseball bat, levelwind you dont have to bring it back so far.
I have learnt casts both ways, i origanally started casting right but now i cast left.
A shorter rod with more weight and a bigger float might make it less painfull.
gone to the dark side, poor levelwind probly never going to see the water again.

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Re: Anyone swing both ways?
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2012, 12:40:55 PM »

i always cast from downstream to upstream, so taught myself to cast both ways, also helps in crowded spots. to me a cp would be easier as u can use youre whole body to load up the cast, retrieving and fighting a fish might cause issues but adrenalin will kick in and make you forget about the pain temporarily lol.

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Re: Anyone swing both ways?
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2012, 03:55:02 PM »

I know a couple of old rods that have given up the pin and switched to a level wind due to their specific shoulder injuries.

shi man oh man

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Re: Anyone swing both ways?
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2012, 05:41:33 PM »

wallis casting is easy on the shoulder, go with the cp


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Re: Anyone swing both ways?
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2012, 06:37:08 PM »

Hey bluenoser, I don't know your specific injury or how bad the rotator cuff is ,but allot of these will heal themselves,in time of course.
I work with a Guy who had surgery on his and was off work just about a full year,not for me as my pain was more of a hurts when I do that scenario ,so I don't high dive anymore ,but work was still a bit of a pain so I don't pull up as heavy of materials with a rope anymore either.
Allthough I believe exorcise is the oil for the joints , casting will aggravate the shoulder . You might try fishing runs that are a shorter casting distance from shore,also side casts with opposite arm might help too ;D
I'm not going to recommend supplements for your shoulder pain, but I've been eating Cod or Halibut liver oil pills for years and found Recovery by Purica helps my shoulder pain,it's Just a personal opinion and could be a mind over matter kind of thing too.I believe it works so it does work kinda thing.Good luck to ya


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Re: Anyone swing both ways?
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2012, 07:09:31 PM »

Could try spey casting either using a switch rod, or full size spey rod. It may feel funny at first casting off of the left side, but it is not that hard to learn. Also with regards to your injury. Did your doctor prescribe any physiotherapy for you. Sometimes strengthening some of the other muscles might help you in terms of the pain after a days worth of fishing.


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Re: Anyone swing both ways?
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2012, 04:49:21 PM »

Thanks for the replies.

Its not a rotator cuff injury and I'm hoping it does get better with time. Seems as I age my injuries take longer and longer to heal, something tore at the base of my head when I got rear ended 3 yrs ago. Causes the mucles in my neck and right shoulder to go into spasm all the time, after a year of those muscles being in spasm the shoulder started to lock up, similar to what I've read about frozen shoulder...anyway seen lots trying to get back to normal (chiro, physio, prolotherapy and currently an RMT)

When I watch some of the guys on the Vedder using they're CP it looks so smooth, like its hardly any work to casting...maybe they're just good and they make it look easy.

I'll keep tweaking what I'm doing to see if I can work with the current situation I have and hopefully it will heal in time. I used to golf with a guy years ago and he had the craziest swing, he adapted due to a bad hip and made it work because he loved golfing...I cant golf with my shoulder, at least not drive the ball.

Thanks again for advice


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Re: Anyone swing both ways?
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2012, 05:35:26 PM »

dude sounds like the same injury had. Three words for ya swim, swim,swim. lol. ciro, physio did nothing, two years later started my own excircise and started doing laps in  the pool. never looked back.
Might be worth a try!


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Re: Anyone swing both ways?
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2012, 03:37:20 PM »

yeah im in the same situation know what ur talking about had 2 shoulder surgeries so just started fly fishing with both hands never went back to gear fishing.also every shoulder injury is different in its own way and people all heal differently.good luck to ya' :)