I parked at the bridge up near the hatchery on Monday and walked all the way down to the confluence and back again (beautiful little stream it is). There were no less than 2 guys fishing at every little run from the bridge to the confluence and beyond, and most of them had 4 or more guys. I did manage to find a spot or two to toss a fly (no one fishing the backwater at the confluence, surprise surprise), but the fishing was quite slow as the water was very low and clear. There were plenty of coho in there, hiding amongst the many chum still kicking around, but most were quite dark. I did see a few bright fish caught, all of them wild and released, but there was mostly chum to be had and all of them... boots. There was better action, and more room, down in the slough below the highway bridge, but still the chum out number the coho 20 to 1, and most of the chum were well past prime (but that did not save many from getting the club, sadly). It was still a fun day of fishing until I lost the tip section of my fly rod when it slid off into the slough as I was releasing a chum. If anyone sees it let me know, it is a gold coloured rod tip off an 8 wt.