By changing the parameters of your original statement about solely bicyclists it suggests you are showing us you lost your argument. Badly. You never mentioned smokers or fat people. Why not?You are like the kid caught telling a fib struggling quickly to change the story and save his behind.
I don't see it that way, Dennis. All I was doing was drawing parallels for the sake of the discussion. But if you like to see it as me losing an argument, fine.
I never perceive an intellectual exchange as a game that people win or lose - unless it is an electoral debate - which this discussion is not.
By the way Milo, how tall are you and how much do YOU weigh?
I am amused that you are interested in my measurements. I am 6' 4" and I weigh 275 pounds.
Do you need a bodyguard or bouncer?
Not difficult of course since your logic is about as solid as a paper bag drenched in slivovitz.
Whoever spilled the slivovitz in the paper bag should be punished for alcohol abuse. The only legitimate places for sliwowitz are oak barrels, glass bottles, shot glasses and the tummy. Oh, a flask is OK, too.
I guess it happens when you have to be boastful about your educational degrees rather than just showing some modesty of logic.
The great William Hazlitt said: "Modesty is the lowest of the virtues, and is a confession of the deficiency it indicates." I'll leave you with that thought.
but your homophobic comment ~ "my dear"?
Huh? Homophobic? Sorry, I don't get it. "My dear" - the way I used it above - was a sarcastic remark. Very British, by the way.
I know English is not your first language but you are coming across quite forwardly. Perhaps check out a dictionary or and ESL course (English Second Language)? Milo if you want to ask me out, go ahead. But respectfully, I decline.
English is one of my three first languages. I was born in London, UK, and I attended British school. But no, I don't speak the Queen's English. Not unless my mother-in-law is around. Then I must behave.
Incidentally, I design and teach English language courses for a living. Let me know if you need some pointers.
It's ok. really. I only thought you did not swing that way. Clearly you have a lot of "stuff" you want to clear from your closet. I just did not think a fishing forum was appropriate.
Of course it's OK. It's the Internet, so anything goes as long as we are polite to each other.
And yes, I do have a lot of stuff to clear from my closet. Especially the fishing one. My wife keeps telling me that it is a horrendous mess. I made her a firm promise to take care of it this winter. Would you care to lend me a hand?
Anyway, lovely chatting with you, old chap. But I am afraid I must leave you know. My angling tackle requires my immediate and undivided attention if I am to be successful in my piscatorial pursuits this weekend.