I want to thank all the fishermen who donated the sale of their tackle to LIFE EXCHANGE Charity. $515.00 has been raised plus a Save On gift card. The funds have gone to assist underprivileged children and teens in Chilliwack. The gift card went to a single mom that was diagnosed with terminal cancer and her teen daughter that had her eyeglasses and back pack stolen. We replaced them for the young gal which greatly encouraged the mom. In total this Christmas we provided 41 children with new winter boots and winter jackets which we were able to purchase through Carter's Osh Kosh in Chilliwack who went to great lengths to get the best discounts they could provide. Their corporate director even personally brought in boots from northern BC and Alberta because they ran out. We provided 45 special education grade 10-12 high school students with water bottles to keep them from dehydration, winter zippered hoodies, Christmas gift bags filled with personal hygiene items plus chocolates and candy, and gift cards to Super Store, Price Smart and the Cottonwood mall to families in need; plus a Christmas pizza party for the high school students.
Lastly, we got two single moms vans that died on them at the beginning of the real cold weather in for repairs and back on the road. Thanks to D'Cardos Automotive. The sale of these fishing items helped towards the total cost of this Christmas. We are looking to expand this exercise of charity into the New Year as things get harder for underprivileged families as we get closer to the end of January. IF you can participate to any degree, let Gary, "Hawg Hunter" know as he is looking after the selling of product for us. You can also make donations for income tax receipts and you can go to our Facebook "Life Exchange" and make on line donation through CANADAHELPS.ORG Thank you for your generosity and support. Rod