the problem is though that we do not leave anything in our vehicles. of all the vehicles that get broken into, 98 percent were empty, not even spare change in the truck. but that does'nt seem to matter (leaving your vehicle empty), because then your vehicle gets completely vandalized, (seatrs ripped, wires pulled, bvroken glass etc) do they paln to address that side of things?
I did not know it was that such a high of perentage of there being nothing of value was in the cars in these incidents.
I quess then we have to exam the options of anti theft devices on the steering column, alarm systems and keep a very close eye on our fellow anglers cars. Too bad our society of today is forcing us to take such precautions.
In the good old days you did not even have to lock your car or for that matter your house but even with all its short coming we most likely live in the best country and Province in the world. Where can I fish so many diferent places in a week or for that matter in a year.
A little humor on this subject, maybe: Bring in Tie Domi, get one of those flame throwing cars that gives the culprits a bit of a sunburn when they open the door or maybe a FWR bait car.