Don't mean to be pessimistic but it's hard not to be when Russ George makes these claims. Let's start with seeing some actual data that supports these claims. When he starts saying, "confidential" and "proprietary" while making these claims this should set off some red flags. His comments about receiving generous help and participation of many governments ministries needs to be balanced by the fact he was not very forthcoming with all aspects of his work. For instance, NOAA did help him out but they had no idea that their contribution was going to be used for the purpose he intended it for. He makes this out to be some big collaborative study but nothing can be further from the truth.
Now the Haida have caught onto Russ George's little plan and have given him the boot. I don't blame the Haida because when you have high unemployment, basically no wild salmon fishery to make a living off of and someone with the salesman skills of George comes to them promising them prosperity it becomes very inviting.
The impact of volcanic eruptions on this is still controversial. Not saying it is not possible and it shouldn't be studied, but it's not so clear cut as people like George thinks it is. Pacific salmon have such a diverse life history, each species having it's own strategies with environmental factors not working in isolation with other factors. The science on these eruptions on recent escapements should be seen as still evolving and not a done deal.