As little Randog is staying up at Harison Hot Springs with Grandma during the week over the summer holidays, I try to get him out fishing on the weekends. Today we loaded up the Canuckscraft (for Chris) and headed out to the Pitt River for a little spin casting for dollies.
We went to launch the little tin boat at the usual spot between the two Pitt River bridges but theres now a gate there

So I figured I'd try to launch at Recheinbachs(SP?) I pulled up to the launch and asked the guy "how much to launch" and he says $15.00 and I politely declined and he gets all snitty telling me it's private property blah blah blah....... so I leave.
I head off to Grants Narrows on Pitt Lake to launch. GVRD wants $8.00 hiway robbery in my books. But like a good Dad I have to get Lil' Randog out on the water. I drive to the ticket vending machine and find out it only acepts loonies/toonies or credit card. I don't have enough change so out with the ol' Visa, tried it in the machine and I guess the magnetic strip is worn out

So I say to hell with the launch ticket I'll risk it, meanwhile Lil' Randog is thinking it's not a good idea he says maybe we should just head for home. Not a chance "we're fishing" I tell him.
We launch our tin yacht and I go and park the Randomobile and notice the guy I parked beside has a ticket under his windshield wiper. Guess he did'nt pay for launching either.
I walk back to the boat and buzz off to the fishing hole. Rig the rods and start to chuck some # 2 Blue Foxes. Not 15 mins. had past and my mind starts to think about that ticket on the other guys truck, now I'm Very uncomfortable. So I convince Lil' Randog that it's too windy to fish so we scoot around a little (Lil' Randog loves to drive the boat) and it's back to shore. Back to the Randomobile p/u the boat and head for home

Is there no place to launch a boat for free anymore?