Fished on Okanagan last week , Bear Creek area . Had the most success trolling willow leaves , 4 oz. weight , went through a variety of lures , bright patterns working the best . A bright pink apex brought in the biggest rainbow , around 16" and 1 kokanee . A tiger pattern flatfish 1 rainbow 12" . Nothing on dark patterns . Casted and trolled , 3 solid hits spin casting but no reward , probably sucker fish or pikeminnow .Have caught carp in the past spin casting from shore , helluva surprise and not a bad fight . Its a hard lake to figure out without help from locals or guides , we always seem to dial it in the day we are leaving , that's fishing .To fish the lake for the big rainbows you have to get to the thermocline at 40 to 60 feet so yes a downrigger is pretty well a necessity . Google lyman lures . It will show you setups and lures for Okanagan or Okanagan fish images and search from there . Good luck , going to Ukee tomorrow for Hali ,going to be awesome