This morning it was a big relief to find the drift boat that we have been using to row down the road to the lodge, high and dry! The Somass River floodwaters have been slowly receding and have now dropped over four vertical feet since its peak at the lodge. Old timers in the neighborhood report this event was highest recorded river level they have witnessed since the tidal wave in 1964.
Access to the lodge has resumed and power will be restored soon. We were lucky that no water entered the main lodge, and there were no damages. Weekend Steelhead fishing trips have been postponed but expect to be regrouping early next week. Thanks to all for your well wishes and keeping your hopes up along with us. Will report again when we get back out on the water.
The river is still in flood levels with major debris coming out
and not safe to be near it. We will update our fishing report page with river level charts/data when it starts to get close to fishable. We don't know if the data monitoring equipment got washed out with the flood, that is a possibility!
For the latest info visit at for river level charts, local weather expectations, and more.
Call anytime for updated conditions 250-723-8022