Fished Vedder from limit hole, to Lickman, from 10am to 5pm. Beetween three of us we didn't get a single hook up, or see anybody getting anything except two guys who were catching and releasing small trout.
We used bagged roe.
I do not think it is worth of going for a week or two, unless you like to be out there and catching something is secundary thing.
Only what I do not understand is catch and release of small trout. I know it is legal, but you really kill few of them that way. Guys were releasing them carefully but after hour I have seen two floating downstream. I think it is a judgment call, but even when it is legal and you are risking injuring a fish why do you do it?
I would never target them in the first place.
just my opinion, not everybody has to agree I just wanted to say it out in hope somebody would change their view on CR of small and vulnerable fish.