There are some big fish in the system this week. There are reports from both shore and boat anglers of getting into and loosing some lunkers!
This is great to see, and is consistent with what we are hearing about the ocean conditions right now off of the West Coast of Vancouver Island. Coho Smolt are reported by DFO to be at their all time largest size at age this past year. So they are getting into lots of the right kind of "groceries".
Below are two nice ones that were harvested on subsequent days guided by Kevin Barabash and Shaun Evans. One group of guests this past week had a ten fish day! We don't like to even say that since that many fish is just not what we expect on a trip (four is great fishing!). But regardless that kind of news is worth sharing. The largest of the two was 17.5 pounds and both of these are hatchery fish.
A little more pressure on the river now that the word is out about the good fishing this season. The river is dropping quickly the last few days so downsize your gear and lengthen your leaders for a more finesse presentation.
Call us anytime for the latest conditions! We enjoy helping anglers plan their trips with or without guides.
Marilyn Murphy
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Call anytime for updated conditions 250-723-8022