Daylight came very quickly this morning it seemed after I finally got to bed at 1 a.m. after typing yesterday's report and getting things ready for today's trip to Maple Leaf Bar.
I do not usually fish on Saturday but good friend CEJ's brother-in-law, Bowie, had to return early tomorrow to Austrialia on an early flight, so if he was going to experience bar fishing, today was the only chance to give it his first try.
After yesterday's short trip with Gary and Dave--and having a fish on, and seeing another caught--I was fairly confident we could find a good spring for Bowie.
I arrive at CEJ''s house at 6 and find them ready to
We reach the launch shortly, around 6:30, and the first wave of boats (mostly T.O.W. fellows) have headed for Grassy. As we prepare to launch, I think to myself, good, we will be able to settle into the spot I like on MLB.
Upon arrival we are pleased to find we have the area to ourselves. Soon two red Doctors and one green-haired one are spinning their magic in 4 to 5 feet of cream-coloured Fraser River water.
We put up a tarp to shield us from the slight drizzle, and I hear tales of CEJ and Bowie's recent trip to the ocean where they connected with some nice chinooks and halibut in CEJ's new boat.
Could we find as big a one for Bowie as he got on the ocean trip?
Only time would tell, as we lounge in our chairs watching the other boat traffic head to their chosen spots. A black bear lumbers along the opposite bank, most likely looking for a breakfast of wild berries.
Around an hour into the trip, the silence of the morning is interrupted by the jingling of the middle rod's bell; Bowie's rod.
CEJ, the speedest of the three of us, splashes through the water after a quick launch from his lawn chair as Bowie makes the first call, "There he is!"
CEJ sets the hook, and the rod then finds Bowie's out-stretched eager hand ;Ds.
Bowie plays the fish very well. A downstream angler pulls his rod and removes the rod holder to prevent a possible tangle with it as the fish becomes a little too close to my liking. After a few runs the nice-sized fish seems to want to beach himself.
As the fish's back comes out of the water I see he is over 20.
CEJ skillfully maneuvers the net into position, and in one swoop has the silver-sided beauty safely netted.
A number of pictures of the happy vistor with his catch follow with Leaf Craft #1 proudly sitting high in the water in the background.
We then settle back in our chairs to see if luck will be with us again.
A short time later the boys shout, "Another one!" I miss the initial action of the rod and say it's only a
roll as I see no action on the rod tip. (Should have known better, as the fish had slack-lined us).
CEJ then slackens his pace to the rod on my advice and removes the bell before he realizes there is a fish there.
ouch on my part.
CEJ sees the fish
roll, another good one, as he winds as fast as he can to catch up to the incoming fish. The fish then knows he is fighting some object that he is not used to and heads to the middle of the river. He then comes back in towards CEJ and his maneuver pays off. He has gained his freedom. I get a few good-natured jabs from CEJ for not knowing he had a fish on, and I heard of it several more times before we left at 1 pm. Another angler hooked one just before we left and lost it by the beach as her boyfriend does not like to use a net.
After loading up at the Island 22 boat launch, we head to a local tackle shop to get Nick to give us the weight of the fish. It tips the scales at 26 pounds even. Certainly a nice fish for our vistor from Austrialia. Do you think he will be back? I sort of think so, for when you fight and land one of the Fraser River stubbed-nosed chinooks bar fishing it can make anyone want to come back. Even if you have to travel thousands of miles to do it. Well done, Bowie, and better luck next time, CEJ.
My turn will once again come on Monday morning as the Fraser calls and all it has to offer must be heeded.
Off now to enjoy this fish on the barbeque, one of the best-eating fish in the world.