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Author Topic: Letter writting points and emails for critical DFO Chinook management measures  (Read 1698 times)


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Email instructions and contacts:

Letter Writing Reference Notes and Addressing Details:

Contained in the document are details of who to write to, concise bullet points about the issue and an easy-to-use letter template. We recommend sending an email letter, but a letter sent by ground mail is also excellent. Please ensure you copy SVIAC at the letter you send, so we know how many letters have been sent in total.

Who to write to: The new Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada in Ottawa. The Honourable Hunter Tootoo - His emails are: and Also send your email to Kelly Binning in DFO HQ in Vancouver to officially register your views on the proposed regulations.

Who to send a copy to: (copying strategic individuals is also very very important)

Randall Garrison – NDP MP Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke –
Murray Rankin - NDP MP Victoria –
Elizabeth May – Green Party MP Saanich – Gulf Islands –

Scott Simms – Liberal MP - Parliamentary Standing Cmttee on DFO –
Mark Stahl – Conservative MP (BC) – Fisheries Critic –
Fin Donnelly – NDP MP (BC) – Fisheries Critic –
Key points:

The issues:

Fishery Closure or Worse Regulations - Fraser River First Nations and the Marine Conservation Caucus are lobbying DFO to close the recreational salmon fishery in Juan de Fuca and Haro Straits during May, June and July this year. At least 28 letters have been sent by First Nations bands to Minister Tootoo requesting this closure. To date, DFO have not been willing to confirm to the SFAB executive that there will be no shut down this year.

In addition, DFO Pacific Resource Managers are proposing to the Minister further Fraser Chinook regulations in June and July as a compromise position. We would be held in Zone 1 (the disliked slot size) for June and July regardless of abundance.

We Have Already Made Major Sacrifices- Since 2010 Juan de Fuca and Haro Strait Chinook salmon anglers have “borne the brunt” of DFO’s conservation measures through a suite of severe fishing restrictions that diminish our fishing opportunities from March 1st to mid-July each year. Our exploitation has dropped by at least 77% on Fraser Chinook stocks of concern. We have met or exceeded DFO’s Chinook exploitation reduction targets at every step along the way. There is NO MORE ROOM for additional restrictions without seriously damaging the fishery.

Serious Harm to Local Businesses –implementing a closure or introducing more restrictive measures will only further harm businesses that rely on our traditional year-round salmon fishery for their income. Lodges, guides, tackle stores, marinas, boat sales and repair businesses will all be negatively impacted by these proposed DFO actions. Business owners, their staff and their suppliers will all face detrimental circumstances. Staff lay-offs or business closure could result.

This is Not About Conservation - Due to the predictions of low Fraser Sockeye return this year and likely reduced First Nations Food, Social and Ceremonial Sockeye fishing opportunity, Fraser First Nations want to harvest more Chinook for their FSC regardless of conservation. Closing Victoria and area to salmon fishing in May, June and July and providing more Chinook to Fraser FN would be an extraordinary re-allocation not based on conservation. Any Chinook saved by closing our fishery would simply be caught in the river net fishery, no more would get to the spawning beds.

Precedent Setting – The underlying concern for this proposed closure is an understanding that this approach does not align with the 1998 Salmon Allocation Policy, is not conservation based, yet sets a dangerous precedent with regards to exclusive access to salmon. A decision to impose the closure has implications that threaten all tidal waters fisheries in the future.

What to Write -In your own words write a short (2 or 3 paragraph) letter expressing your very serious concerns about DFO increasing restrictions or closing the recreational salmon fishery in May, June and July. Add some additional content and feel free to use the materials in “The issues” section above to guide you.


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