Before heading to meet Lew this morning ran into a friend that told me he was doing well in the Vedder Canal area since the springs came in Monday in fair numbers. He was not getting them TOW ing as he is a veteran angler. The trick was to use about a 50 cent sized gob of roe he informs me.
Thought of trying it after Lew and I did the cleanup this afternoon but on our return had to catch up on some sleep as did not get that much yesterday, especially in the bottom of the Leaf Craft.

After a hour nap cooked my wife and I a spring salmon dinner and then with 45 minutes or so of daylight left thought I would venture to the KWB area as so close.
When I got to the river my roe was still frozen so threw a #55 Kitimat for a few minutes as the roe thawed over the Leaf Mobile's heater.

Saw 2 fellow's with 2 nice springs but by observing their method's the fish had met their end by being TOW ed. One chap would also jerk his rod at the end of each drift. As I was in TOW ing territority I remained non vocal with him.
Another fellow was into 4 sockeye while i was there, that seemed to give him great excitment but he was into the TOW ing method also, long float line and dredging the bottom. He had to hand line the sockeye in to release them.
While I waited for the roe to thaw picked up some garbage. I then had about 15 minutes of time left but could not get Ian's float to submerge.
I think I will give it a try early tomorrow morning but will leave KWB to the TOW ers. I then head to Victoria to attend a funeral in the early afternoon and then back for a 7 pm SDA meeting in Langley to hear about the Kapp case thats comes down tomorrow morning. As well will hear how the SDA is going to react to all the illegal fishing that is going on in the Fraser.
The start of a busy week, retirement is still great.