rick, don't get bent out of shape. here's some facts for you....
1. on the most part, sockeyes migrating back from the sea, don't feed. their main objective is to reach their spawning beds to breed.
2. out of 2 to 4 million fish returning, it would be rediculous to believe that not one of them might get hungry.
3. just like any wild animal, sockeyes (at times) will bite instinctively.
4. it has been documented, that kokanees (landlocked sockeyes), regularly spawn side by side , with sockeyes that have returned from the sea.
'point being'... residential species will end up being caught by anglers and be mistakened for migrating, 'sea run' fish.
today i was on the vedder targeting springs. i ended up hooking onto these huge, powerful sockeyes, that looked like green chromed coho. an old timer pointed out that the fish came from a creek past chilliwack lake and that they only came down for a few days to spawn. i took his word for it because after an hour of conversation, he proceeded to tell me that he had lived and fished on the river for the past forty years.
i should have taken note of his name because another angler told me that the gentleman was well known in these parts, and that he was a reknowned fly fishermen, who at one time, was an advisor for the 'recreational and wildlife'.....for some district..... i forget.....