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Author Topic: Serpentine - July 26th  (Read 6678 times)


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Serpentine - July 26th
« on: July 27, 2004, 10:15:33 AM »

It was a long time since I've fished the Serpentine so I thought I'd give it a try for a couple of hours last night. Since I last visited, both of my regular spots have disappeared - a couple of fences have gone up and what spots you can access, are very overgrown.

I had heard there was carp in the river, and have caught the odd cutthroat there in the past (personally I've never caught or seen a carp in there). So I decided to float a worm under a bobber in the hopes of catching either. The river certainly looks like carp water; very still, slow moving and quite 'mucky'.

After a few small nibbles and 20 minutes of waiting, I had a fish on that threw the hook pretty quickly. Didn't know what it was. Then proceeeded to lose my next two hooks due to snags. Finally after about an hour I hooked up and landed my first ever catfish :) I thought it was a carp the way the float bobbed up and down and then started a lateral descent into the water. :-\  Still, I'm pretty happy having only seen catfish in pictures until now.

Fished for about another hour, landed one more catfish and had two other hookups that I didn't get to the bank. Generally it was fairly quiet with nothing jumping or splashing.

On the carp front, I did see two biggish (5 or 6 lbs) carp cruising and rolling in the mid river so I know for sure they are there and close to the spot I'm fishing. Next time, I'll probably target them with dough or sweetcorn and see what I can do.
