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Author Topic: Future Chilliwack-Vedder steelhead management  (Read 4173 times)


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Future Chilliwack-Vedder steelhead management
« on: February 25, 2018, 08:15:14 AM »

Well, some good news regarding management of Chilliwack-Vedder River steelhead … I have been informed starting next season there is funding available for five years of snorkel counts and creel census/angler surveys.  The lack of funding for projects like this on the C-V  has long been a thorny issue for myself and others for years and I am happy to say the new FLNRORD biologist in charge has stepped up to secure this long overdue and necessary funding.   The project will include 4 snorkel counts annually, in areas predetermined by past float counts done over app 30 years, water conditions/visibility dependent, along with a representative sampling of anglers conducted jointly by FLNRORD and COS staff.  The snorklel counts, along with ongoing juvenile assessments and the annual Angler Harvest survey, will provide an index of relative abundance of both wild and hatchery steelhead, and “will provide management activities on the C-V to a level warranted by the significance of this system”.

Finally. I can't wait to see how these soon to be generated numbers correlate with what buck and I see on our surveys.


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Re: Future Chilliwack-Vedder steelhead management
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2018, 09:05:47 AM »

That’s great news

The c/v is one of a very few productive steelhead rivers left in this province it would be a shame to loose it and watch it go the way of a lot of other steelhead systems.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2018, 09:09:49 AM by wildmanyeah »


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Re: Future Chilliwack-Vedder steelhead management
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2018, 06:47:56 AM »

I saw a snorkel count underway on another river within the last week. I had heard that within a few months of the change in government in Victoria it was announced that funds would be available for snorkel counts and other stock assessments such as we haven't seen since 2003 - go figure eh?

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