It's possible to take an opposing view to someone, have a discussion, and not be angry.
You're right...everyone is entitled to their view and opinion. The question I have for you then is this:
This is a message board for sports fishermen...some for sport....some for sport and food. In order for this message board to exist, we need OPPORTUNITIES to fish.
Whenever someone here posts a topic on whether or not the sports fishermen will either possibly gain or lose an opportunity on a given lake or stream....Ralph always advocates against us. I'm not making this up. His own posts condemn him. So the question is....WHY DOES HE WANT TO BE HERE?
The rest of us want the rivers and lakes open and to have access to those places so we can fish where ever it is possible. I honestly don't even think he cares if there are any openings for us.
Here is an example. Let's say you went to a message board about 'Drones'....everyone there loves drones and loves to talk about drones.
Much like fishing, there is politics, ethics, and debate about drones.
Imagine someone like myself who has never used a drone in his life....doesn't care about drones....entering one of their ethical debates about drones like a bull in a china shop and then telling all of them that drones are bad....they are an invasion of privacy.....everyone there should stop using their drones....even though drones are something I know very little about or spent time researching. I'm pretty sure I would not be very well liked there....and people would tell me to leave and go to some other message board where I actually want to contribute.
That has Ralph written all over it. He does contribute to certain topics, but he never contributes positively when it comes to advocating and standing up for our right to fish. His own posts show that he'd rather see us out of the water and not fishing UNTIL all the other user groups are fishing....and even then.....I still am not convinced that he wants us out there...That's why he irritates so many people here and at other fishing message boards too. I think he actually gets some sort of strange happiness when he sees us kicked off the river.
You may not agree with me, but it appears to some extent that wildmanyeah does as well as hikeandfish…..and dare I say Nog would agree.… much as I don't like speaking for others....but I'm not the only one who thinks and sees this.
I dunno Robert, Ralph is one of the very few people on this site that advocates for the fish ... imo, we need more of that.
I never accused Ralph on not advocating for the fish.....not once in the 20+ years have I done that. Ralph is fine when it comes to conservation.
However....once there is a surplus of fish stocks in Ralphs mind of even 1 fish.....he's quick to hand it over to FNs. If the surplus is more than that...he will still advocate for FNs to get as many fish as they want.....even if that number is in the millions before the sporties even get one fish.
When it comes to the Fraser and tributary salmon.....I simply can't recall one post where he advocated for the sports fishermen to have a 'share' in the opportunities. So I stand by what I say....and yes....others have also called him out on it....its not just me and not just on this message board.