Hello all. I hope everyone is doing well and getting a chance to fish. Last year I started collecting various colours of soft beads (e.g. BNR) and I place a sampling of them if my "field containers" to take to the river. I don't see the need to bring the entire bag of beads - just a few of each colour and size in a container all mixed together. However, this year when I went to check on them, I found they had discoloured! Light coloured beads turned a darker shade, while the darker colours seemed to maintain their colour. Some changed completely (e.g. my shrimp colour is now light cherry). Has anyone experienced this before? Do I need to keep each colour in an individual bag? Is it OK to have them in separate compartments in the same box? These beads are not cheap at $10 a bag.
Perhaps my "new" coloured beads will work well! LOL.