I, my self, an immigrant to this beautiful country of ours , meaning Canada .
I closely read and listen to the comments on this thread and it seems to me there is a lot of different point of views and potentially some anger there , in between .
I find it very disturbing , I have a hard time understanding why some individuals would develop such thinking , but at the same time I try to understand that there has been difficult times for all of us , and certain traumas in our upbringing , and those traumas have coused a particular point of view .
There is many factors to what a individual posts online , some just do it couse they want to disturb others , some do it couse they don’t know any better , some are influenced by others , some are just to young and havnt seen the world , some just think they are always right and it goes on …
But all these thoughts end up in a single forum discussion , where some don’t have the ability to see all these factors or many more that are behind the scenes , and then the worst comes out of it .
Then it all ends up public.

Because, we felt triggered to defend our selfs , or our believes , that are most likly brought on to us .
Anyways to not go on too far , Putting a poppy on or not , to me , every person is equal and a nother human being , that I’m glad to meet and learn from regardless of how he looks like and what colour he is .
Coming from Europe , and being a child of war , living in shelters for big part of my childhood , seeing the suffering of a bloody war I ve learned the hard way ,what survival is all about, and I’m only 40 today , I’ve seen people with out limbs , I’ve had closest family die , and I lived without seeing my father for 4 years not knowing if he was dead or alive , and watching my mother cry and pray every day ,while I took care of my younger brothers , I was fortunate enough Red Cross brought us food , and powder milk to feed children , so I know first hand ,WAR is not what we want in this world .